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Name: Gabriella Rose Gregg

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Name: Gabriella Rose Gregg

Birthday/age: October 31st - 16

Parents: Avani Gregg and Anthony Reeves

Sexuality: Pansexual (queer)

Sexuality: Pansexual (queer)

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Gender: female

Likes: - music - acting - dance - song writing - archery - English

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- music
- acting
- dance
- song writing
- archery
- English

- rude people
- the media
- clowns
- small spaces
- water

Personality - sassy - sarcastic - feisty - fiery - intelligent - kind hearted - sweet natured - talented - impulsive - badass - opinionated - determined - quick witted

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- sassy
- sarcastic
- feisty
- fiery
- intelligent
- kind hearted
- sweet natured
- talented
- impulsive
- badass
- opinionated
- determined
- quick witted

Theme song:

Face claim: Maia Reficco

- is an actress as well as TikTok star
- suffers from anxiety and anger issues
- doesn't let anyone in
- she's named after Gabriella Montez from high school musical
- sees Dixie and Charli and Nessa as aunts

Crush: Aiden Richards (another oc which I will make in a minute if that's okay)


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