Chapter 11

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Finally, I got this done! LOL. Hope you enjoy. Next chapter I will be working on getting out next will be for my other story, but I will still be working on this one. Heads up, I did not edit this chapter one last time before posting, so if there are mistakes, I apologize. Enjoy!!

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The room was now put back in order, and thankfully, none of the equipment hadn't been broken when Guardian panicked. Extra chairs were brought in, and the guards were now back to standing at the door, which had been closed for the discussion that was about to start.

Guardian had been helped back onto the bed and given some water and pain medication for the sharp headache. In the chairs to his left, closest to the door, were the two women, with the one with green hair and eyes sitting the closest to him, and the blonde, who looked very much like Bakugou was next. On her other side, All Might and the dark-haired man who had come in with Bakugou sat at the end of the bed. Then finally, on his right, Bakugou sat closest to him while a man, who introduced himself as a detective, sat next to him.

He was a little uncomfortable with so many unknown people around him, and with the memories that he had gained confusing him, it made him feel even more lost. It was nice having some of his memories back, but they were jumbled up. It also didn't help that every time he tried to focus on them, the headache would flare up.

"How about we start with some simple questions. Are you okay with that?" The detective asked, pulling out a notebook and pen. Guardian nodded his head. "Good. First, I want to confirm that you don't remember who you are and that your memories are limited."

"Yes, the only name I know of is the one given to me, Guardian, and I can only remember from when I woke up in...that room." Guardian shivered from remembering the cold table he had been on, and his voice shook. Taking a deep breath, he continued. "I don't remember how, but I was put in a sleep stasis in some kind of giant tube. I don't know how long I was asleep, though. After waking up was when I made my escape."

"Okay, that's a good start," the detective said, looking down at his notebook. "Now, this next question will be difficult, so please only provide what info you can. Do you remember anything about the facility you escaped from? What of those who held you captive?"

Guardian opened his mouth to answer but paused. There hadn't been much that would distinguish the huge building he had been in. Then he remembered the explosion he accidently caused and happened to see it on the news while passing through a town.

"I'm not sure there is much I can tell you. The building was plain and located somewhere in the mountains up North. I know it made the news since I accidently caused an explosion while getting out. But I think the report said nothing was found inside." Guardian tried to remember more, but there hadn't been much there. "There was a room where I fought the Doctor's creations, and it smelled of rot and death. Oh, and his operation room are the only rooms that stood out to me. I wasn't allowed to go anywhere else, so I'm not sure what else was there.

The detective wrote some more stuff down but had paused when Guardian mentioned the news and again about the room. "You said it was on the news?" He asked.

"Yes, because of the fire and being surrounded by trees." Guardian answered.

"That was at the beginning of the year, around when the entrance exams were," Bakugou said, briefly remembering seeing it.

"Yes, I'll have to call the one in charge of that scene. What about this doctor? I assume he is the reason for your panic earlier."

"Yes. Um," Guardian agreed. ","

His mind was hazy again. He knew that the man who had been in charge of all the nomus and did the experiments was a doctor. Yet, he couldn't remember what he looked like.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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