Chapter 2

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Bakugou was heading back to school. It had been a couple of weeks since the first day of class, but already, his first year at UA was starting to be chaotic. Just a few days prior, the media had made a gigantic fuss about All Might being a teacher, and somehow, they had been able to break through the closed gate. Today, they were supposed to go on a trip to a new training ground.

Now sitting in the class, he had to listen to his teacher, Aizawa, tiredly talk about some rules before they changed into their hero uniforms and could head out. When they were all changed and on the bus, the loud talking began again as most everyone was excited. Bakugou just sat there, waiting for the ride to end so he could, hopefully, get away from the noise. When they did arrive and get off the bus, the building in front of them was massive. Inside was impressive, too.

The class stood as a group and listened to Hero Thirteen explain what the USJ, the facilities official name, was about. A few ideas flew through Bakugous head about the different types of rescue missions.

Suddenly, the lights all around the building burst and went out. Aizawa called out for Thirteen to get the students out of the building before practically flying down the stairs to what Bakugou now saw as a ton of villains coming out of some weird purple mist portal. The idea to jump down there and beat up some villains alongside his teacher was tempting, but Thirteen ushered him with the rest of his class back towards the door.

They didn't make it far, however, as the same purple mist swirled in front of them, and a mans voice came out to talk to them.

"We were told that All Might was supposed to be here, was our information wrong, I wonder?" the man said as the entire class stopped.

It went to shit from there.

Half the class was transported across the facility where even more small-time villains were. Bakugou got stuck with the loud redhead, but they were both able to easily beat the villains and headed back towards the entrance where their teachers should still be.

To say that Bakugou wasn't discouraged at the sight before him would be a lie. He was discouraged and sickened at the sight of the hobo teacher laying on the broken concrete in a pool of his own blood. The thing that stood above the man drew his attention next. The black monster had the teachers arm pulled back, and both boys heard the unmistakingly sick sound of the bones breaking from the force.

Another man stood a few feet away from the scene, a lone severed hand placed on his face, and his pale hair unkempt. He laughed as the hero before him was getting mauled by the monster, the sound resonating with the chaos around him.

"What's wrong, hero? Can't get up anymore and fight?" The hand villain chastised and then laughed again. There was no response from the hero, which angered the villain, who started to scratch at his neck. "Enough, nomu, finish him off."

The monster raised its fists in the air for another blow, the hero already in bad condition couldn't move to save himself.


Bakugou released his quirk in his hands, sending him flying out and towards the monster. Another explosion went off at close range, right in the monsters face. It didn't move, however, but he did successfully take the attention of the villain and monster away from the hero teacher.

A third explosion pushes Bakugou back away from the monster before it could take a swing at him. He landed several feet away right next to the redhead, who had been shocked by the blonde's actions.

He had held back so that his explosion didn't hit his teacher, but he had expected it to at least do something.

For the next several minutes, Bakugou and the redhead fended off the monster and kept it from finishing off their teacher, but neither could inflict lasting damage on it. The hand villain watched from his place and had been joined by the purple mist figure soon after the two students intervened. Bakugou had tried to get to the hand villain since he seemed to be the ringleader, yet the few times he tried the monster would step in.

He didn't want to admit it, but the fight was pointless, and he could tell that the redhead was getting tired. He, himself, was also starting to slow down.

Just as he was thinking about trying again to get at the hand villain, a loud crash came from the entrance. When all eyes turned towards the commotion, there stood All Might at the top of the stairs, and he wasn't smiling.

Bakugou was relieved to see the number one hero and from the cheers he could hear from those close by, so we're the others. A hoarse 'finally' came from the hand villain, but before anything could be done, the number one hero was gone in a flash. In mere seconds, Bakugou and the redhead were picked up and dropped off at the base of the stairs. A few seconds later, the hand on the villains face had been knocked off, as well as the man being knocked back a few feet. Lastly, Aizawa was picked up and also brought to the bottom of the stairs.

Then All Might confronted the monster head on.

The fight was now reaching its climax, but the more All Might fought the monster, the less it looked like he would win. Now Bakugou could see how strong the monster really was, and he realized that he wouldn't have been able to beat it. It was going head to head with the number one hero. Then the purple mist villain stepped in right as the monster immobilized All Might. To everyone's surprise, ice shot across the ground and froze the monster in his tracks just before the misty portal could cut him in half, and he was able to get away.

Bakugou also jumped in and was able to get an explosion out to slam the mist villain to the ground so he couldn't do anything else. That didn't last, though.

Within blurred seconds, he was knocked back by the monster, freeing the purple mist guy. All Might was fighting the monster again while he and the other students were pushed back by the shear wind force the fight created. They watched as fists blurred from the speed they were flying, and before their eyes, the monster was blown away by All Might's final hit and crashed through the ceiling.

It was over soon after, with the rest of the hero teachers showing up. The hand villain was whisked away even after getting shot thanks to the mist guy. Bakugou was close, however, to hear the villain's last words before disappearing, and they stuck in the back of his mind.

They were told to gather at the front. There outside the doors were the police and many of the villains that Ereaserhead was able to defeat had been arrested and detained already. Even ambulances and EMTs had come to the scene.

From what he could tell, no one had any major injuries except the two teachers. Bakugou and the rest of his class were then shuffled off themselves onto the bus and taken back to the main campus. Once there, they were questioned about the events that occurred. By the time they were allowed to leave and go home, it was dark outside.

Bakugou was unlucky enough, though, that his parents had been informed and came to pick him up. All the way home, he and his mom bickered, which wasn't abnormal, but he could guess that the attack on UA grounds would make any parent worry.

For the next few days, the USJ attack was all over the news. People talked nonstop about it. However, the uproar of UA being infiltrated and attacked eventually died down, but only because a big event was soon going to take place. In just two weeks' time, the UA Sports festival will start for the world to see.

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So I made this part shorter and didn't go into too much detail of the USJ attack 'cause I have plans for more excitement later. Also, I seem to be having an easier time writing this story than my other, so I think the next couple of chapters might come out faster :)

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