Chapter 3

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After weeks of travel and hiding in the shadows as much as possible, he finally made it to a city that seemed familiar to him.

In the first few days of laying low and staying in the countryside, he made his way to one looking for food. Luckily, there was a shelter for the homeless that welcomed him in. He was even able to get better clothes, though he had to alter them to fit his wings. While he was there, he helped out for a few days, his way of paying back the kindness.

He moved on after those few days, heading a few towns further South. Again, he found a place where he could get food by offering to work for it. This went on until he reached his current destination, Musustafu. In the meantime, he had also been able to get some short flying sessions in. Granted, he still wasn't able to fly very far or fast yet.

In the end, he used the name the doctor gave him, Guardian, but only because he didn't have anything else to go by. He also made sure that his wings were his only known quirk when he was around people. It was hard sometimes, but he managed.

It was the last town where he was able to find a temporary job and earn some money before leaving for Musustafu. On the way, he found some cheap dye and used it to darken his wings to a dark gray. It was hard to do on his own, but he had figured it out. He felt it was necessary to try and hide his identity to some degree as he wasn't sure if the doctor had spies.

Now, here he was, wandering the streets that gave off a vague familiarity. The hood of his sweater was up, hiding his face, and his wings were tucked as close to his body as he could get them since there was a decent crowd. He just kept walking around the shops, looking for anything that stood out more to him.

Stopped in front of a shop that had a help wanted sign, Guardian flinched as a loud scream sounded behind him. Turning around, he could see people crowding around, several pointing down the street. Looking where people were pointing, he could see a truck speeding down the road erratically. Other vehicles swerved out of the way, and even people on the side walks had to run or jump to safety. Down the street, however, a few people couldn't move fast enough and were in the truck's direct path.

Without thinking, Guardian opened his wings and shot into the air, flying just high enough to miss people's heads and the vehicles. In a blur, he was able to grab the two people who couldn't get out of the way. Seconds later, the truck blew past, swerving one last time into a building where, thankfully, no people were standing.

"Are you okay?" He asked the two people he saved. The one person, a young businessman, slumped on the ground, shaking, but was able to nod his head. The other person was an older woman who seemed to be fine as well. Though she was teary-eyed, she kept thanking him.

From down the street, sirens could be heard and getting louder. Looking around him, Guardian flew back into the sky and headed towards the nearest alley. Using the shadows, he was able to sneak several streets over before the police and whichever hero had been called to the scene arrived.

He still couldn't remember much from his life before, but in the short few weeks of being free, he had learned a lot. For example, what he just did could get him arrested for using his quirk to save those people.

Now that he was away from the main action, he slipped into the crowd looking for any place that had a help wanted sign, again.

The next day, Guardian was walking the streets after helping out at a shop for the day. He had been asked why he wasn't in school and why the need for a job. Thankfully, he was able to come up with the lie of being in an online school and that he needed the money for living expenses. It wasn't all a lie, but with limited memory, it was the first thing he could come up with.

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