Chapter 6

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The rest of the intern week for Todoroki and Iida was pretty boring. Both got chewed out by the head of police and were informed that the heroes they were interning with would be reprimanded as well. What did upset the boys was that Hero Endeavor would be getting all the credit for defeating and arresting the Hero Killer, and not a speck of credit would be going to Guardian. Neither boys were all that broken up about themselves not getting credit after it was explained that they would also be punished if that happened, but they did not like that Guardian would be getting nothing out of it.

What made up for Endeavor getting the credit, though, was that the news of Guardian being there when Stain was captured blew up on social media and all the news channels. Some news reports even went so far as to wonder if Guardian helped or was the real person who captured the Hero Killer.

Back at school, all of class 1-A chatted with each other about their own internship. Most were boring, but everyone crowded around the two that not only had been face to face with Stain but also Guardian. The class went even more ballistic when Todoroki let slip that he had met Guardian soon after the Sports Festival. Thankfully, at least for Todoroki, their teacher showed up before anyone would interrogate him about Guardian.

Unfortunately, for some of the class, their teacher came with news that the semester finals were coming up in a month. As an enticement, a summer camp would be held over the break, and as long as they passed, they would be going.

One student could care less, as he was currently watching the news feed again that had captured the moment Guardian had been snatched from the ground by a nomu, and then that nomu dropping. Some of the footage had good quality spots, and what he had spotted from seeing the video the first time was a mop of green hair.

Bakugou was confused, as the boy who had become known as The Guardian Angel looked remarkably similar to the still missing Midoriya Izuku. But he didn't have wings, in fact, he didn't have a quark. So why does he look like him?

Bakugou went through the school day with ease. The classes were easy, and the hero training was done quickly enough with nothing big happening. Now the school day was ending, and he could get to what he really wanted to.

During the sports festival award ceremony, All Might was passing out the medals and saying something to those on the podiums. When it was his turn, he took the medal and begrudgingly allowed the number one hero to hug him.

Before the hero could step back, Bakugou spoke, "I need to speak to you about something urgent."

So after the official end to the sports festival, All Might met up with Bakugou back at the school in his office. Unfortunately, All Might wasn't able to stay long, but promised that after the intern week.

Now, he was back and the school day ended, so he was in All Might's office once more. Once seated, Bakugou told the hero everything about Midoriya and the case that he knew.

"I'm very sorry about your friend, but what do you think I can do?" All Might asked, his eyes kept jumping to the clock, and his hand was tapping his tea cup.

Bakugou watched the hero but decided to ignore the nervous ticks. He pulled out a charred notebook that also had some water damage. Opening it up, he placed it on the table for All Might to see his own signature across two pages.

"You signed this notebook after it had been damaged, but it had to be before he was taken. So you met him at some point and were able to sign those pages. Either before or after the sludge incident."

All Might looked down at the notebook. He sighed and took a minute to think of what he should do. He remembered the boy the notebook belonged to. Despite what he said to the boy, it was his actions later that showed he was a brave kid, a hero in his own right despite being quarkless. The boy's actions were able to re-spark the flame in him and be able to save both boys.

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