Chapter 8

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Hey, y'all! I'm back!!! Hope you all enjoy this, and thank you to Icbmfwmnits and KatePhillips606 for the comments and feedback 😁
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Bakugou stood there bewildered. The area around him had changed so fast that he was still trying to figure out what had happened.

After being kidnapped, he had been chained to a chair, and some kind of quirk canceling blocks were placed around his hands, and he thought his guantlets had been heavy. For two days, he was forced to listen to the hand villain, Shigaraki, and all the other villains that were involved in the attack. Then, on the second day, they all gathered around to watch the teachers and the principal of UA ggivea public apology.

Once Shigaraki was satisfied, he turned the TV off and started rambling again. For some stupid reason, he even had the cuffs removed from Bakugou's hands, and he was unchained from the chair.

'These villans really are stupid,' Bakugou thought to himself.

Taking the chance, Bakugou let an explosion off in Shigaraki's face, knocking off the hand that sat there.

Everyone froze, some not even taking a breath. Yet to everyone's surprise, Shigaraki didn't attack Bakugou back.

Before anything else could happen, a knock on the door got their attention followed by someone on the other side saying they were there for pizza delivery. That was when things went bad.

All Might busted through the wall with other heroes behind him. In seconds, the villains were restrained, and a couple were knocked out, with one exception who snuck away just as the wall was broken through. The police outside started moving forward to officially arrest the villains and make sure the kidnapped Bakugou was soon on his way home.

Or so they thought.

A black slime came from the villains and Bakugou's mouth, engulfing them. Then they were gone. In the same instant, more black sludge formed, releasing many nomus on the heroes and police.

When the black stuff around him dispersed, Bakugou found himself outside. In front of him stood a figure dressed in a black suit and a weird looking mask over his entire head.

Around him, the villains emerged out even more black gunk, the crazy chick complaining about the smell. Which he would agree with, the stuff smelled like something had died in oil. The last to show up was Dabi, who looked like he was going to murder someone.

"Master," Shigaraki said, from his crouched position.

Bakugou took in what was around him. They had been dropped off in a recently destroyed building with people scattered about. Once he looked closely, he could see that the people were more heroes and police, some partially under debris. Some distance away from where the villains had been dropped off lay Best Jeanist with a hole in his chest and blood flowing around his chest.

He was shocked to see the hero in such a state, but he couldn't go towards him with the villans in his way. Instead, he ignored the clenching of his chest to focus on this so-called 'master'.

"You've failed again, Tomura, but don't fret as you still have many chances to get to your goal. That's why I brought your band and Bakugou, who you've chosen. Oh, and you should also make sure to take this too," the weird guy, Master, said.

Another black blob formed, and a figure was laid out onto the ground. The hair was matted, and their clothes were torn with fresh and dried blood covering them. The most striking was the person's off gray colored wings. The two feathered appendages were missing feathers, covered in dirt and blood, and were chained tightly. More chains could be seen around their wrists.

It was hard to see through the grime, but the hair was green and curly. Now, if he could just get a clearer look at his face.

"Guardian," he whispered. That ache coming back into his chest to twist around his heart and lungs.

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