Chapter 17

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"I just don't think you should rush it." Gaspard advised, fixing his tie in the mirror. "We can stay up here for one more day."

"I'm tired of being cooped up in here-You're just upset because you can't bathe me anymore." Nathalie scoffed as she bent down to put on her shoes. She'd made a swift recovery; only a long scar on her stomach remained to tell the tale of Yuri's attempt on her life. She'd dressed herself for the first time in two days, donning a knee-length powder blue dress with long sheer sleeves.

"Alors, I have been found out." Gaspard confessed, playfully hanging his head as he turned around-he did enjoy playing nurse.

"Be careful," he warned as she put on her shoes. He was concerned about her ankle; this would be the first time she actually put weight on it. He'd been waiting on her hand and foot, carrying her back and forth to the bathroom.

"I'm fine," she grumbled with a wave of her hand. He observed her carefully as she stood, prepared to catch her if she fell. When her eyes met his, his breath caught in his throat. What was he about to say? The words vanished into soft stammers, his hands clenching and unclenching in his pockets.

Before he could find his voice again Nathalie whispered, "Gaspard."

"Oui?" He took an absent step towards her, hoping she wanted to stay upstairs after all.

"...what are we doing?" He cared for her, and she could no longer deny the feelings that had grown for him. Where did that leave them? Their deal? It went without saying this couldn't get out.

Gaspard released his captured sigh, his shoulders falling slightly.

"...I have no idea." He closed the distance between them with a step, grasping her hand in his. Her scent made him tug her closer, his chin grazing the top of her head. In truth he knew exactly what-his mate was right under his nose, taunting him.

Nathalie leaned into his touch, resting her head against his chest. His arm slid around her waist and she didn't even flinch. Why did this feel so...normal?

He'd begun to give her peeks beneath that shattered shell of his-He could be gentle, kind even. A tiny voice in the back of her head warned her not to be disarmed by those eyes, those radioactive eyes. This couldn't go any further than these walls-they were just riding this wave.

"Neither do I," she sighed. "I just know it feels-"

"Bien," Gaspard finished. "Très bien." She was too close for him to question it.

Nathalie nodded, unable to think of anything else. Perhaps that was all they needed for now.

The Lycan kept an arm around her waist as they left her bedroom. They'd be just in time for dinner, a few nobles already gathering in the dining hall. They'd made it to the top of the stairs when Gaspard turned his head to her.

"Just say the word." he offered, trying to take any opportunity to have her in his arms; they were on borrowed time, after all.

Nathalie shook her head. "There's no need."

He offered her his arm and placed her close to the banister, indulging her independent spirit just this once. They descended the staircase without fuss, and he guided her into the dining hall, his head held high. The room quieted as they entered, stunned to see the vampire fully recovered. Last time they saw her she looked not long for this world.

Everyone gave the French king and his vampire a wide berth, not daring to incur his anger again. Gaspard pulled Nathalie's chair out for her, pushing her in before taking his seat. She took note of the stares while he couldn't care less.

Forbidden Desires : The Immortals Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now