Chapter 11

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Big, black clouds billowed overhead, lightning flashing inside them. They threatened a downpour that would never come; the sky above burned with flames. No day or night in the Hellscape, only flames. Time moved differently as well-a day in the Hellscape could be a week up on Earth.

The Home and Estate of Lucifer the Lightbringer-H.E.L.L for short-was rife with chatter about the visitor that arrived a day before; what business did the Vampire King have in their realm?

Cain wiped the sweat from his brow with a handkerchief as he waited in the throne room; he should've worn a linen suit with this temperature. Warm light shone through the stained glass windows, various depictions of Lucifer speaking with recognizable characters. He refused to look at the one closest to the throne--he didn't need to see his mother like that.

In the blink of an eye the empty throne in front of him became occupied. Lucifer Morningstar; the Lightbringer-a pure agent of chaos with an ever changing form; he usually appeared as whatever his beholder wanted most. For some it may be themselves with riches, others with a crown. For Cain however, he appeared as Nathalie, a diamond tiara crusted with rubies on her head. This-this is what he wanted most; Nathalie as his queen. Lucifer's lips curled into a smirk as Cain knelt before him.

"Long time no see, Cain-I hope there are no hard feelings about our last meeting." Lucifer remarked full of phony repentance.

Many years ago, their alliance dissolved due to "strategic differences", though rumor has it that it was because of one "yo mama" joke too far. Cain rose to his feet, a shit-eating grin on his timeless face.

"None at all, Lord-I'd like to put the past behind us, if it's all the same with you." he said in a cool tone. They always worked better together than apart but they always butted heads; the true definition of "frenemies". Truthfully, he wanted to pummel him into that throne of his, but even he knew he wouldn't be able to beat Lucifer-though fallen from grace, he was still a celestial being.

Lucifer stood and approached Cain with open arms. Cain embraced him, clapping him hard on the back while Lucifer simply squeezed until he heard a crack that satisfied him.

"You haven't changed a bit." Lucifer stepped back and looked up at him; Nathalie was short. This form wore a sleek black dress with a plunging neckline, a slit up the thigh, the train wrapping around its feet. Lucifer smiled at Cain's bulging temple-it wasn't his fault that's what he wanted most. It was never his fault.

Luce kept a clear conscience-he simply cast a mirror of people's inner selves and they didn't like what they saw. Not my fault, he reasoned. Want something else, then.

"To what do I owe such a personal visit?" he drawled as he sat back in his throne, crossing one leg over the other.

Cain let out a breath he didn't need as he tried not to stare-why did he allow him to push his buttons?

"I'd like to renew our alliance--" Cain started but was cut off by Lucifer's snicker. His stare hardened; he knew he had some damage control to do but to be laughed at? "Does something amuse you, Lord?"

Lucifer tried to hide his face as he chuckled, and he sighed to get the last giggles out. "I'm sorry-I've never seen you so serious before; it's cute." Nathalie's body stretched out across the throne, her hair sweeping the floor.

"Surely you can handle those dogs on your own-I remember a certain someone begging me for the power to do so." Lucifer's eyes glinted red, reminding him of the deal they made all those years ago.

The shit eating grin returned. "You're going to make me beg, aren't you?"

"I was," Lucifer confessed. "But the fact you showed up in person reeks of desperation on its own. So I will consider it." His fluid movements spun Nathalie's form upright in the chair. "And do you have what I asked for?"

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