Cordelia x Billie x Wilhemina x Reader- Arms of an Angel

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request from wattpad: can you do a billie x Cordelia x Wilhelmina x reader where mina makes the reader use her safe word and mina goes silent for feeling bad for a few days and billie and Delia help the reader and mina talk if that makes any sense

second request: hiya, could you maybe do a multicharacter one shot where y/n gets sexually assulted and has a hard time with intimacy but doesnt tell anyone about why? ik that is a heavy topic so only if youre fine w writing this x

A/N: It's weird, I had the safe word idea a while ago with just Mina x Reader but then I got these requests so I tried to merge them. It's heavy stuff so please read with care <3

tw: unwanted touching, safe word, degrading, mistress kink, mention of sexual assault, cursing


As you stand in the spacious white kitchen of the academy, the aroma of simmering herbs and spices fill the air as you chop some vegetables, making some dinner preparations for when your girlfriends would return. The week is slowly coming to an end, most of the witches already having left for the weekend, Cordelia at a council meeting, Billie equally at work for her show, Wilhemina due to return any moment. As you glance out the window, it's a cozy evening, the soft glow of the kitchen lights casting a warm ambiance over the room as you go about your task with practiced ease.

You had always enjoyed doing things for them, whether that is helping out the supreme around the academy, prepping her classes, taking care of some paperwork, helping Billie with her show or little acts of services for Wilhemina, subtly of course as she didn't like accepting the help. And they adored you for it, always reminding you that you didn't need to do this but you wanted to give them back at least a little something for all the happiness and love they continue to shower you in. Cordelia especially, often reminding you that you have your own life and work and all your acts appreciated but not necessary.

The sound of the front door opening, draws your attention, pulling you out of all the flashbacks of having met your girlfriends. Wilhemina and Cordelia first as you stumbled across the academy, Billie joining you all a while later and til this day still in disbelief this was all real, that your heart belonged to them. As you turn around, you see Wilhemina entering the house, her usually regal demeanour replaced by a noticeably tension heavy on her shoulders. She enters with a furrowed brow, her footsteps heavy as her cane echos through the quiet academy. Internally your heart breaks a little, knowing Wilhemina's work and especially her bosses were demanding and horrible, tiring her out and adding more pain than necessary to her life and maybe that was the reason you did everything for the redhead, wanting to make her life easier.

,,Hey Mina'' you greet her with a soft smile, setting down the knife on the chopping board and moving to greet her. Before you can reach her, she brushes past you with a smile, her features softening a little bit, her expression unreadable as she makes her way into the kitchen.

You watch her carefully, concern and worry gnawing at the edges of your mind as you take in her form. It's clear that something is weighing heavily on her mind, but you are unsure how to approach the situation without adding to her state, knowing she wasn't really like your other girlfriends, easily able to talk when they have had a bad day. For a moment you wish Cordelia would be here or even Billie as they were undeniably better at coaxing Wilhemina out of her shell.

,,Is everything alright, Mina?'' you ask cautiously, your voice laced with genuine concern as you approach her with gentle eyes. But instead of offering reassurance or an explanation about what was troubling her, Wilhemina remains silent, her jaw set in a ridge line as she reaches for the bottle of wine you were using moments ago to cook, before pouring a glass of it.

Sarah Paulson Characters: Mental Health One ShotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat