Wilhemina Venable x Reader - Mental Health Day

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TW: This story mentions depression, self harm and anxiety- Read with care and my dm's are always open if anyone wants to talk :)

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

TW: This story mentions depression, self harm and anxiety- Read with care and my dm's are always open if anyone wants to talk :)

This is dedicated to my girlfriend Aleisha, love you :) 


You wake up to the sound of your alarm clock and quickly press the button so it would stop making this horrible noise. That night you hardly had any sleep, to be truthful you have had trouble sleeping the last few days. You have always struggled with your mental health a bit and the last few days you have been fighting. But you have been fighting quietly, there is really no one around for you to talk about, you don't have any friends and your family all live hours away and you don't feel like talking to them anyway. You have gotten so used to pretending to be okay and automatically answering every ''How are you?'' with a quick ''I'm fine, how about you?'' it is like something you learnt. You only do this to protect yourself because usually opening up to someone means them worrying or thinking you are being dramatic or wanting attention, at least that's how people used to react or treat you. 

As you think of work this morning anxiety fills your body, you can feel your breathing getting a bit quicker and you start shaking. There is nothing wrong with your workplace at all but you are terrified of going in today. Your anxiety hasn't been acting up like this in forever and you are terrified of being judged at work or anyone noticing what's going on. You started working at Kineros Robotics about six months ago after finally quitting your old toxic workplace that put you through so much pain. And although that first day you thought you would die at any given moment from a heart attack because your heart felt like exploding you managed to like your work. It's nothing special, you basically sort files and answer emails or schedule appointments for your boss Wilhemina Venable. You remember the first moment you saw her like it was yesterday.

As you walk into the big building and see a sign saying ''Kineros Robotic'' you make your way into that direction. The receptionist tells you to follow her and as you walk to your new bosses office you hear her shouting at someone presumably on the phone. After the Receptionist carefully knocked and Miss Venable allowed you both inside your anxiety was really high. You managed to pull yourself together and when you actually looked at her for the first time you immediately liked  her red hair and brown eyes. Her grip as she introduced herself is firm and it hurts a little. As you sit there listening to her explain what you actually have to do you notice that everything is purple. The walls, her laptop, furniture and her clothes and you kind of adored it. She seems cold and harsh with her words but something tells you that she can be soft on the inside. 

After working there for almost six months now you and your boss get along way better. Miss Venable used to loose her temper with you but she could tell it hurt you and after one time where you basically ran out of her office crying she apologized and has never spoken to you like that again.  In the last month she would sometimes ask questions about your private life and you often notice her randomly staring at you or touching your shoulders and stuff like that. But you don't really make too much of it thinking she is just getting more comfortable around you. Your feelings however are strong and you get quite awkward around her after developing quite a big crush on the woman a few years older than you.

Sarah Paulson Characters: Mental Health One ShotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat