Ally Mayfair- Richards x Reader - Black & Blue

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TW: violence, abusive relationship 

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TW: violence, abusive relationship 


You groan in pain as you get up this morning, you can feel the bruises and scratches on your skin and although you try very hard you can't help flashbacks from last night rushing in. 

You met her about a year ago and at first everything was fine with you and Ronny. She would compliment you and make you feel special. She was your first girlfriend and you loved her brown soft curls and beautiful brown eyes. You quickly fell for her and your relationship was perfect until some months later you figured out who she really is. She would sometimes come home from work and be in a grumpy mood. You would try everything to please her like cooking for her, preparing special dates and trying to be there for her. At first she was very appreciative of these things but if you didn't have dinner finished or things prepared she would shout at you and quickly also get physical with you. At first she would apologize for hours and try and fix it by bringing you flowers or gifts the next day after work. But it has been happening a lot lately and almost everyday. She doesn't respect your boundaries anymore and she hurts you a lot. Last night you started fighting over the same thing you have been fighting over for ages now- Sex. As Ronny is your first girlfriend you wanted your first time to be special and wait a while, at first she said it was no problem but she got more and more persistent but you just didn't want it especially not after she has started to hit you. Last night she came home drunk from the bar and you even had to fight her off you, as punishment she started beating you thankfully not anywhere near your face so you can just hide in your work uniform this morning. You work in a little cafe place on Main Street in Michigan where you moved with Ronny. 

You carefully roll out of bed, glad that Ronny isn't here, you decide to take a shower before your shift at the cafe today. As you stand in front of the mirror you carefully take your pajamas off and there are black and blue bruises and scratches on your arms, legs and neck. You carefully step in the shower and even the water hurts your body. After quickly cleaning yourself up you step out the shower and decide to wear a turtle neck today underneath your uniform so no one can tell what is going on with you. You don't want your coworkers or boss or anyone to find out about what is going on. Making your way to the front door you grab your keys and a bottle of water and walk towards the car. You arrive after fifteen minutes and you are the second shift so there is already someone at work. After going to the back and dropping your stuff you start your shift and prepare orders for customers. It's mostly the usual customers and you know their orders by now. It's 11 am and this is always the calm before the storm, not a lot of people order at this time or come in to eat, the rush hour (as you and your colleagues call it) will start in about an hour. You look out the big window and smile instantly as you see her approaching the cafe. Her name is Ally and she has short brown hair, beautiful brown eyes and she always looks radiant. Her outfits look carefully picked and her smile always takes your breath away. She has been coming into the cafe for over six months and by now you know quite a bit about her, not only her order but also some about her private life. She is married to Ivy, the woman who owns the Butchers on Main, which is opposite the cafe. She has a son named Oz who occasionally comes in with her and he has the most adorable smile. From your work colleagues you have heard that Ivy and Ally aren't working out and that they are devorcing. You have noticed whenever Ally comes in she tries to ask you questions about your private life and sometimes she even seems flirty but you don't wanna read to much into it considering she is still married. As you see her approach you have already prepared her usual coffee and breakfast order. She walks in and greets you with a warm smile. ''Hey Y/N my usual please'' she says and hands you cash but you decline it and simply pass her her order that you already made. ''Wait you already made my usual?'' she asks smiling. You nod and her smile grows even wider which you can't fail to notice. She looks down and then into your eyes. ''Um when is your lunch break?'' she asks and your heart beats a little faster. ''It's in ten minutes'' you answer nervously. ''Do you wanna go to the park with me and Ozzy?'' she asks and you get really excited. You nod and she decides to wait by one of the tables. You prepare everything for the person taking over your lunch break and you can't help but stare at the beautiful woman Ally just sitting there eating her bagel, sipping her coffee and looking at her phone. She is so stunning and beautiful you think to yourself, but are distracted when your colleague walks in. ''Enjoy your break'' she says and you grab your coat and walk over to Ally. ''I'm ready'' you say still quite nervous and she gets up and you walk outside. 

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