"What's your problem tonight?!" Adeline couldn't do anything other than watch Felix spit out at the bartender, his eyes darkened a fraction as his hands tightened into fists. A light silver pattern took over half his face and neck as it became stronger the more furious, he got.

"You know what the problem is Fe, did you really have to bring your meal here? Not really good form to do something like that." He replied just as manically while he shoved one of his calloused fingers in Adelines direction to get the message to hit home as much as he could.

"Not my meal been. She's-." Felix began to stumble on how to describe what she was. They weren't exactly friends, but he had saved her a couple of times recently.

"An acquaintance." Adeline supplied helpfully.

"That's just another fancy word for meal." The man drawled out thickly. He gave Adeline a sympathetic smile.

"No. He um. Saved me a couple of times." She blurted out not knowing how else to rectify it. But she did have questions after she took in that this man at least must also know who he was. Adeline barely refrained from biting on her fingernails through the stress of working out how to define who they were to each other, especially as she didn't have a clue.

The man let out a short laugh out of surprise of it.

"Never thought you'd be one for that." He joked to Felix. Felix let out a genuine smile, kindness shone through in his eyes now his anger had evaporated at him.

"Adeline. This is Fayne. A protector." He introduced him. Adeline nodded her head in his direction.

"Call me Ade." She smiled politely after she saw him as no threat.

Fayne refilled her empty glass as a response to it more in a light-hearted mood.

"What's a protector?" She whispered to Felix after Fayne left to attend to one of the other customers.

"A shifter. We exist to protect the likes of you, haven't explained much I see." He mused and beat Felix to tell her.

Adeline's mouth fell in an o shape, it dawned on her that it would make perfect sense for him to be supernatural to, to stand up to Felix with how he looked earlier.

"Wait so does that mean your half shifter?" Adeline shot out when she'd put two and two together.

"Of sorts." Felix reply was basic, not giving her any proper information about it and no futher details.

"It's impolite to ask that." Fayne tutted out at her. Adeline's head fell downwards to show her shame and ignorance at the situation.

"Sorry." She said to both of them.

Fayne burst out into laughter again.

"I'm only kiddin'. But I wouldn't go around asking such personal things to everyone." He warned her gently afterwards.

Adeline looked back up with a knew found enlightenment. She nodded her head viciously.

With another shake of his head, he left them for his other duties so they could eat their food.

After they'd finished eating Fayne walked up to collect the plates, but he stopped dead in his tracks his eyes stuck on the necklace around Adelines neck. She squirmed not used to much attention being on anything to do with her. Adeline wanted to leave when his expression turned to a grave one.

"That necklace. Mind if i take a look?" He asked more gently than she expected.

Adeline turned to look towards Felix for an indication what it was she was meant to do. His warning wrung out in the back of her head, while Felix shook his head.

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