"Well," Laika said, "Maybe you're not all too bad."

"Not too bad, huh?"

"No, not too bad." Her voice was already beginning to slur, just a mumble then.

He smiled, "I thought you'd think so."

Laika rolled onto her side, allowing herself to lounge then, plopping her face to the floor, completely flat and relaxed. Afore still sat up, ears and nose alert, but with his eyes focused on the saluki that sighed beside him. Her side lifted and fell gently with her soft, slow breathing. It was as if she had fallen asleep immediately after hitting the ground. Afore himself was exhausted, his entire body throbbing and sore, but he hadn't considered how tired Laika might have been. Well, now he knew, as she slept calmly beside him, utterly exhausted.

He felt his own self begin to drift, and gently rested his large head on his front paws. Deeply inhaling the scents arising from the forest floor, Afore closed his eyes and calmed, relaxing. He was safe. Laika was safe. All was well, and so, they could both finally rest. Sleep came quickly, even to Afore. For a while, all was calm.

But then, he was woken much too soon and much too early. The sun had not shone its light yet, and the sky was still dark blue and cloudy, dotted with tiny white stars which gleamed and reflected in Afore's auburn eyes. The navy sky casted long, black shadows across the forest's floor and trees. Every corner seemed shaded with darkness, and the cool highlights of leaves, twigs, and brambles were delicate and pale, illuminated softly by the moon's reflective light.

At first, Afore wasn't quite sure what had woken him; just a heavy, sinking feeling his gut making him nauseous. He sat up, eyes sharp and wandering, ears tall and alert, swivelling this way and that, surveying the area for sound and movement. The gentle wisp of cool breeze, the wafting rustle of leaves and grass, and the soft clacking of wavering branches overhead. Still, his ears picked up on something else, pricked and listening. A slight, unusual crinkle of browned leaf, the creaking edge of a broken wooden bush. Along the wind was the familiar stench of coyote.

Immediately, Afore recognised why he had woken. The presence of Oona, who slank through the blackened woods nearby, lurking.

Afore stood up, glancing one way then another, and spoke quietly, "Oona, I know you're here." From the shadows, sly movement. Then appeared Oona, who slank from behind several large oak trunks and to where Afore could see. The first thing he noticed was her sharp, gleaming eyes, and then the thick bush of her tail. She walked like a cougar, low to the ground and hunched, slowly stalking her prey from the underbrush.

"Hello, wolf," she said quietly, careful so as not to wake  Laika. She took several slow pawsteps towards him, delicate and high on her toes.

"What do you want?" Afore growled.

She smiled a little, "I am only here to cut that leash of yours." Afore watched with strong caution, narrowed eyes, completely on edge as she carefully pulled back into the dark woods and lowered her nose to the ground. A short whiff, small movement, and she picked up a pale, gleaming stone in her maw, stepping back forward and showing it to Afore. There, in her jaws, was a brilliantly white cutting stone, a triangle shape with sharpened edges, illuminated as the moon, fading the backdrop to black. It reflected white in Oona's eyes. Then, she tossed it on the ground ahead of him, white flickering across it as it bounced. and it landed with a dull thud.

"What's the catch?" Afore asked. He took a strong step over Laika as she slept on her side, standing over her protectively then, head low and ears back. The rope sat in large, loose coils beside her, hanging heavy from Afore's neck and running from Laika's along the ground. His black lips curled up in a snarl.

Dog On A RopeWhere stories live. Discover now