4 - Escape From Veal Tribe

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Laika glared at the wolf, growling low in her throat, "I won't leave this spot."

Gently, "I won't force you, but I do have to leave. I have to. And you want to get out of here just as bad- at least, away from me and out of this cave. So please just help me. You'll say I just escaped on my own. And then, we never see each other again."

She growled, "A big bad wolf like you needs help from a domestic like me?"

"Look, I don't love the domestics after what they did to us. But I know that wasn't just you as an individual. I have nothing against you except for the fact that you put us both here to begin with."

"Hey! If I had known that I'd be tied up in this dark room with you, I would have never helped to catch you."

The wolf sighed, frustrated, like a parent to a child, "Okay. I just need to get out of here. Even one more day of being stuck here and getting meals that others have caught for me will drive me insane."

Laika sighed, too, "I get that. I like hunting my own prey, too, but it's not allowed in the Tribe."

"Really? In our pack it was allowed as long as the little ones got to eat first."

The dark pointed saluki sat up, looking at him with a slightly tilted head, "The pups ate first?"

"They always did."

Laika slumped, "Here, the leaders eat first. If you are not high status, then you might starve. That's how they get us to work harder."

"Seems elaborate."

"It is."

A short silence followed, just as thick as ever, and finally the wolf stood up, shaking the dust out of his coat. Suddenly, Laika was amazed at just how huge he was, even with his head so low.

He spoke, facing the tunnel, "It won't be long until we are brought our meal for the day, will it?"

"Not much longer, I don't think," Laika said, staring into the dark tunnel and wondering what the wolf could be up to. There, they waited, and soon enough, an echo of pawsteps down the hall, and a domestic brought them their meal; a large deer leg, dropped in their room but not too close to the wolf. They always stayed far away from the wolf.

"Hey." The wolf spoke with authority and gruffness, and the deliverer froze. He was a short-haired dog with dark fur and tall ears, and right now, he had wide amber eyes, frozen with fear.

"Yes? Anything else you need? Another deliverer will bring a full water dish soon, like usual."

"No. I want to bargain with you."

"Oh, we'll, I'm not really supposed to talk...."

"Don't worry. It will work out in your favour." The wolf smiled, as if to show his trustworthiness, which didn't seem like much right then. The dark male dog just stared at him, ears pricked, wondering what comes next with a thudding heart.

The dog hesitated, facing the wolf, "O- Okay. Tell me your offer."

"I offer you this female tied to me," the wolf pointed his nose at Laika's shocked expression, "In exchange for you freeing me from this stone."

Laika seemed to yowl, "This is your big plan?!" And the wolf, although he hated to, bared his fangs at her lowly. They gleamed wet in the dimness. Stepping back, eyes a bit wide and ears a bit long, Laika sucked in a silent breath, catching the air for a moment of stunned silence. For just a second, he admired the bright orange beneath her cheeks and muzzle, the orange on her chest and feet. Her points seemed to make her dazzle and become vibrant in the dark, and her brown eyes were just as bright. Still, she was silent from fear, taking a few steps back with her tail lowered, and the wolf suddenly felt immense guilt for his rudeness.

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