Chapter 23

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  I woke up to Phoebe staring at me.

  "AGH!" I screamed.

  "YOURE AWAKE!" Said Phoebe.

  "What happened?"

  "You transformed."

  "Ugh I never wanna do that again.."

  I sat up slowly. My head is pounding. I can see straight.

  "Be careful, I found you knocked out in the beach woods."

  "How did I get here?"

  "I had to drag you, you're surprisingly light."

  "Ugh don't talk about it."


  I laid back down and Phoebe put a cold cloth on my head. How could this have happened? How am I a werewolf? Was it the witches? Fuck, Phoebes a witch. What if she did this to me?! I gotta get out of here! But how?

  "I ran straight to the coven after you ran out."


  "Apparently they did this to you when you made that vow and it broke when you mentioned the witches to me."

  "But how did I not change then?"

  "You only transform when you're feeling a very strong emotion. I guess you got pretty mad at me.."


  I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom. I'm still pissed at Phoebe.

  I really don't ever want to become a wolf ever again....

A/N: Yeehaw🤠🤠🤠🤠

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