Chapter 7

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Phoebe walks into the door with a big stupid grin on her face. Her hair is a mess. She was probably messing around with Harry. Her face is so red too oh god.

"See you had some fun.." I try not to seem jealous.

She brushes past me quick.

"Hey Cherri made dinner are you not gonna eat it?" I say.

"I ate at Harry's." She says walking upstairs.

"Yea I'm sure you did." I tease.

"Shut up Tristan I don't have time for you."

She walks upstairs. Leo finally comes in from his truck and Cherri went out to get groceries.

"Leo, Cherri made dinner come eat." I say.

"Nah I'm good," Leo says taking off his dark blue chuck taylors, "I'm gonna go shower."

"Did you eat lunch?"

"Yea mom brought me a sandwich,"

  "Alright, just come down later and have a snack or something."

  Leo smiles and goes upstairs. I know Cherri didn't bring him a sandwich but I didn't wanna keep bothering him.

Cherri finally gets home 30 minutes later and I help her with the groceries.

"Thank you Tristan," says Cherri putting the bags on the kitchen counter.

"No problem." I say closing the door while dragging in the remainder of the bags.

"Did you guys eat dinner?"

"Yea we did, it was really good." Okay yes I'm the only one that ate but I didn't want to make her feel bad, "I think I'm gonna head to bed now, good night Cherri!"

"Good night, honey!"

I go upstairs to Phoebes room. Why does this girl wear such skimpy clothes.

"What do you want?"

"What were you and Harry doing?"

"None of your business,"

"I saw his little song for you on their channel."

"It's sweet shut up!"

"If you wanna call it sweet. It's cringe."

"Can you get out now I'm about to call Harry."

"Fine. But don't have phone sex."


I leave her room and go to mine. I put on my pajamas and lie in bed. I can't sleep so I decide to go on my phone. People really seem to like my thirst traps on instagram. I hear a knock at my door.

"Yea?" I say.

"Can I come in?" It's Leo.

"Yea come in."

Leo comes in and sits next to me on my bed.

"Do you feel empty?" He asks.

"Sometimes, I try not to think about it though."

"I've been thinking too much."

"About what?"

"My dad. I just miss him that's all."

I sit up. My dad killed Randy 5 years ago. Thankfully it didn't affect our friendship but Leo thinks about it every day.

"I'm sorry.." I say.

"It's fine, I think I need to leave the house though. You know, get used to being away. College is coming up."

"You scared?"

"No. I know we'll be there together so it's okay."

"I guess I'm scared too. Not of going to college but I'm not gonna see Cherri every day and I barely graduated last year."

We sit in silence for a second.

"I'm glad I have you, Tristan."

"Are you messing with me?"

"No I mean it. We've been through a lot. I don't know, I'm gonna go to bed now." Leo says getting up.

"Wait.." I say getting up.

I walk over and hug him. I've noticed he's been getting sadder lately. He smiles and goes to his room.

I think Leo was the one who made me realize I liked men. I like girls too. I'm bisexual but I've dated more women than men. I once hooked up with a guy at this party though. Nothing serious we just had fun. I realized I had a crush on Leo when 7th grade hit. I don't know why either. He's like a brother to me so it feels weird and I'm basically adopted too. But I had a crush on him before I moved in with them so is it really that weird?

We have kissed before. It's that excuse where we were "experimenting" and he wanted to practice kissing because he had a girlfriend or something. It wasn't a bad kiss, quick though. But it was nice to kiss my crush. I don't know why he didn't just practice on his hand like most people do.

Would I ever date Leo? No. But he is very attractive. I'm not ashamed of liking him either. Who doesn't like skrawny blond boys with blue eyes? The only one who knows about my sexuality is Cherri. She knew before I even told her. I'm not trying to hide myself it's just I don't want homophobes bothering me.

I feel bad for Leo though. After his dad died he started chain smoking. Like every day. It got even worse when our friend, Tyler, introduced him to pot our freshman year. Then he was stoned all the time. I can't even remember the amount of times I had to hide him from Cherri. He quit in our junior year when he broke down one night because he couldn't believe what his life had become. He does smoke cigarettes still from time to time but it's not as bad as how it was in high school.

I also can't say that I was fully innocent in that either. I would occasionally smoke pot with him and I would never try to take it away or try and get him to stop.

I lie back down on my bed and stare out the window. I can't stop thinking about Phoebe. I truly don't hate her. I just like messing with her. She just needs to be careful around that Harry guy. I don't even know where I know him from. And then it dawned on me. But how could it be? He looked SOOO different when he was fresh out of england. That couldn't have been him could it? And how did I not remember him when I first saw him? Oh god what am I gonna do. I can't tell Phoebe. AGH HOW COULD I DO THAT?! WAIT THAT MEANS HE HAS TO REMEMBER ME! I HAVE TO TELK HIM DONT I? NO. NEVER. EVER. I CANT DO THAT TO PHOEBE!

Wait I'm thinking into this too much. I just need rest. And a cigarette.

No one can ever know about that night.

A/N: New chapter partners🤠🤠

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