Chapter 10

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I wake up and my head is pounding. Last night was so messy. I check the time and it says 9:45. I get out of bed and head downstairs. Tristan is sitting at the table with his head down and my aunt is making breakfast. I sit at the table with Tristan.

  "Fun night." I say sarcastically.

  "Phoebe!" He says jumping up, "You can't scare me like that!"

  "Please you weren't even sleeping."

  "I didn't mean that. I meant your face is looking a lil rough."

  "Bitch shut up."

  "You're just mad."

  "Has Leo come down yet?"

  "He's still sleeping, I checked 30 minutes ago."

  "Are you gonna say anything to him about last night?"

  "I kind of have to."

  "What happened last night kids?" Aunt Cherri asked.

  "Nothing." Tristan and I replied quickly.

  Aunt Cherri looks at us suspiciously and then gets back to breakfast. She brings over our plates. Great, she made eggs. But it's okay, she also made bacon and pancakes.

  "I'm going to be out most of the day," she says sitting down with us.

  "What why?" Asks Tristan.

  "Meeting up with an old friend."

  "Uh huh... and is this a guy old friend or a girl old friend."


  "What, it's a simple question!"

  "It's just one of my sorority sisters from back in college. She said she's in town and would love to see me again."

  "You were in a sorority?" I ask.


  "When will you be back?" Tristan asks.

  "Around late dinner time. So probably 7."

  My aunt finishes her breakfast and puts her plate in the sink. She heads to the door to put her shoes on.

  "Now, I have to go now but please don't burn down the house." She says.

  "Okay bye!" I say.

  "Yea bye." Says Tristan.

  Tristan and I clean up after we finish and I head back upstairs. My head hurts so much. I lie on my bed and check my phone. No texts? Weird. I go back to sleep for 15 minutes and then  my phone starts ringing. It's Harry. I answer.

  "Hello," I say.

  "Darling!" He says, "You feeling alright?"

  "Uh yea yea my head just hurts a little."

  "Yea that's what hard partying will do to you haha."

  "Yea it was really crazy last night."

  "Compared to other parties here that was nothing! Did you find your cousin?"

  "Yea we did he was in a bush in your backyard."

  "So that explains the hole in it."

  "Did you need something?"

  "Just wanted to see if you wanted to come hang here a little later. The girls will be here."

  "Yea sure I'd love to!"

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