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Jungkook opened the door of his room and he first peeked in. He found no one but he knows Y/n is here and is very mad at him.

He slowly took a step forward, sweats were already forming on his face. Suddenly, with a whoosh, he was tackled to the ground.

His face kissed the ground. Y/n sat on his back with a blank expression. "Y/n please forgive me."

He asked for forgiveness, having her weight all over him, though she wasn't going to forgive him.

His back was now hurting a bit.

She stood up without saying anything and backfaced him. He quickly stood up, too, and removed the dust from his clothes.

He was going to hold her by her shoulders, being hesitant when she suddenly turned around, making him blink his eyes innocently.

She looked him in the eyes with nothing held in them, the light which used to be there was gone. "How I trusted you and you broke my trust.", said Y/n.

"Y/n..." He called her with worriedness filled in his eyes. He kept his hands on her forearms and slowly slid them down to her wrists.

His touch was gentle. "Y/n...try to understand. I can't do anything in this. I was also ordered to marry you, don't think that I didn't try to convince my dad. I tried...tried my best but he he isn't a person who will cancel his orders."

She looked into his eyes and saw genuineness. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it again after a moment.

Her lips parted once more, and this time, words came out of them.

"Do you think it's easy to know that you are in another Universe and then...someone, who you don't even know, tells you to marry someone you barely know? Huh?!"

She said with tears glistening in her eyes. Her voice cracked in between. How his heart was aching knowing that she was crying because of him. All because of him.

He pulled her into a warm hug, resting his chin on her head. How he wanted to tell her that he knows, he knows that pain very well.

He knows it, very clearly. He closed his eyes feeling a drop of a tear roll down on his cheek. The secrets he had kept to himself were already killing him from the start. And now he is dying badly.

He quickly wiped it before Y/n could see.


I sniffed into his arms. He can't do anything in this. I tried to rethink and understand his situation. I pulled away and wiped my running nose.

"Sorry, I didn't know." I said with a heavy heart.

Suddenly, a punch landed on Jungkook's face. It was so sudden that he couldn't process what had happened.

The punch was so hard that he went flying and the floor kissed his face. A groan left his mouth as he touched his cheek where the punch hit him.

I smiled being satisfied with myself over the fact that it was me. He slowly stood up locking the blood on his lips.

"What was that for?" He asked looking at me with his innocent eyes. "That's what you get for lying to me." I smirked, looking at him, who was glaring at me cutely.

Such a cute, chubby and small face he had which was just a glow to that beautiful body. I smiled like an idiot admiring him.


Suddenly, my stomach growled making my face turn red. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday night.

How did I forget to eat? I didn't know myself about this.

He looked down cutely at my stomach to where I was patting. His eyes were big and doe. Why the heck is he looking so cute suddenly?

"I'm hungry; I want to eat." He giggled, frowning at me. "No problem, follow me." He commanded and I followed.

He took me in the opposite direction from where I had explored. So...we were going to see some new places.

My eyes didn't forget to scan the whole area like a detective.

Now that I thought, I was never this open to anyone, not even my grandma. I have always kept secrets hidden in myself.

Everyone has secrets and sometimes...they are hard to keep in. But for others' happiness, we have to keep them buried in our heavy hearts.

For others and ourselves. They say right, people who have the best smiles also are heartbroken inside.

At a distance, I saw a hall without any big gate; as we got closer, I saw a big, long dining table in the middle on a beautiful mat.

Candles gave a beautiful warm lighting effect on the craved dark oak wood. It looked magical. This place had always left me in awe.

It doesn't matter how small things I see; they still leave me speechless by the beauty. I feel so lucky to find myself in a place like this.

Why does my mind change so quickly?

I touched the wood to feel the softness of it all over my hand. I'm telling you, if I woke up the next moment then this would be my best dream.

But maybe it's just not...

He made me sit on a chair and sat on the opposite one, facing me. I frowned finding no one else there.

Don't they should be eating together like a royal family?

"Why is no one here?" I asked and he looked at me confused. "Why would anyone be here?"

This made me more confused than I already was. I don't feel like eating anymore. What does he mean by that?

Everyone should be eating together like a family. This was what life was, wasn't it?

"Why won't they come? Taehyung, Jimin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi and Seokjin!" I raised my voice a bit.

He looked at me while the maids served some dishes. "We don't eat together Y/n...in fact, we never ate together. We have work to do so no one has time to eat together." He explained while stating as if it was normal and I said something wrong.

This is bullshit. Shi- shoot I cursed!

Ok, leave that. But this was bullshit; what was the meaning of 'no one haS time, huh?'

It's making me frustrated. I stood up from my seat startling him from my sudden move. "I am going to make them sit and eat like a family should!" I didn't know where that came in my mind.

But if it has entered then let's complete it. I flipped my hair in style and went walking outside.


Jungkook blinked twice. "I don't think you will be able to do that." He sighed...


I'm not dead. Great thing, right?

I hope so.
Sooooooo..... I want 10 votes for an update.
I might be asking much but still, do it.


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