Chapter 69: Comeback Stage & TyLyn's First Date

Comenzar desde el principio

Soon it was almost 7 and the sun had already set.

"Come on, I have one more thing planned." Tyson said as he paid the bill and got up from the table.

I was speechless as he helped me up. What more could he have planned? This date has already been so perfect.

My mind wandered with curiosity as Tyson took us to the Pinky Entertainment building. He held my hand as he led me to the elevator, hitting the roof button. I felt giddy as I thought about all the romantic scenes of k-dramas that happen on the rooftops of buildings.

With multiple stops and people getting in and off on the way, we finally made it to the top of the building.

"Close your eyes." Tyson said.

"What? Oppa!" I complained.

"Just trust me!" He said, squeezing my hand tight.

I sighed happily then closed my eyes. Tyson led me to the edge of the small room and I felt the wind hit my body as we walked through the door that led to the roof of the building. I heard the door close behind us and Tyson kept leading me. I held onto him tight as I felt nervous being on an open-roof without seeing where I'm going.

"Oppa, can I please open now?" I told him, feeling scared.

"Almost." He said. I took a few more steps before he spoke again. "Okay, now."

I opened my eyes to see a string of lights filling the posts on the roof. On the ground around the lights was a blanket and picnic basket as well as a modern boombox. The string of lights were perfectly lit, not too bright but not too dim and hanging from the string of lights were pictures. I couldn't help but gasp at the beautiful scene.

"Tyson, this is so beautiful." I said, growing closer to the scene.

"Come look at the lights." He said, grabbing my hand and leading me to the pictures hanging from the strings.

All along the strings were pictures of Tyson and I. With almost 25 years of friendship, there was a lot of pictures we shared. There was probably close to 100 photos on the strings.

"We have a lot of photos." I scoffed in amazement.

"And these are just some of my favorites of us." He said. "There's a lot more where that came from."

Admiring all the photos, I came to one that almost made me cry. It was a picture of my mom, younger then, holding a newborn baby while sitting in a hospital bed. Standing beside her was Tyson's mom, holding another baby.

"That's the day you were born." He said. "Our very first picture together."

I grabbed his hand and he let go, wrapping it around my body instead. I laid my head on his shoulder as we continued to admire the photos, each one holding a special memory, whether it was a birthday, special event, or just a hangout.

"Let's add another photo." He said, bending down to open the picnic basket. He pulled out a white Polaroid camera and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You thought of everything, didn't you?" I asked.

He grinned as he pulled me in, holding the camera out so we both were in the shot, hopefully. I smiled at the camera lense and I felt Tyson's lips against my cheek and I couldn't help but blush, my smile growing wider as Tyson snapped the photo.

"I hope the angle was right." He said.

We impatiently waited for the photo to come out and develop itself. While we waited, we enjoyed some chocolate covered strawberries Tyson had in the picnic basket. Finally, I looked at the picture to see Tyson's eyes were closed as he was kissing my cheek, my natural smile beaming as I stared at the camera. Tyson admired the photo for a long time.

"It's a cute photo." I told him.

"It's my second favorite." He said.

I cocked my head in confusion. "What's your first favorite?"

He grinned as he pulled out his wallet, sliding a photo out of it and handing it to me. It was old and stained, but it was a picture we took when we were 13 and 14 of Tyson hugging me from behind.

"Why do you like this one so much?" I asked him.

"Because it was the first picture you ever took where you naturally smiled instead of forcing a smile." He said.

I smiled as I admired the photo. I was always a shy kid who hated photos so I always forced a smile. He was the reason I could smile so naturally in the photo.

"It was because of you." I told him.

He smiled. "I always hoped so."

I looked around from my seat, trying to see if I could find this photo on the strings. I finally saw it and got up, taking it off it's clothespin, and sliding it in the back of my phone case as I sat back down.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I want to keep it, too." I told him. "Just like you do."

He smiled then leaned in. "May I?"

I knew what he was asking and I couldn't help but smile and nod. We both closed our eyes and I felt fireworks as his soft lips embraced mine.

"Evelyn." He said, our foreheads still touching.

"Yes, oppa?" I asked.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Of course." I smiled. I ruined the moment as something came to mind, sitting back from him. "Hey, wait, you know tomorrow is Valentine's, right? Why didn't you wait until then?"

"Because I wanted two different reasons to spend time with you on back to back days." He said, full of confidence like he was so smooth.

"Wow." I scoffed. "Aren't you a sweet talker?"

"I try." He shrugged.

I snickered then pulled him in for another kiss. We probably kissed too much that night but I didn't really care. I had been waiting a really long time to be able to spend time with Tyson this way and it was finally happening, I wasn't going to stop it for a moment. Tyson truly was my soulmate and it took me too long to figure that out. I was happy to finally see it and that he felt the same way.

~Author's Note~

Hey guys! I didn't expect Evelyn and Tyson's date to be that long, otherwise I would have made it a separate chapter lmao sorry! I was also going to wait until after their promotions but I had a whole week of no broadcasts so I figured I'd do something in lieu of that lol it's about time this relationship happened anyway! Speaking of which, do you guys like EveSon or TyLyn better? Let me know in the comments lol I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you soon. Biez!

P.S unedited.

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