Serious A/n

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Hey y'all so this is just to say sorry. I know yesterday I said that I was going to be posting more, but it's hard to keep up with

I have school, sports, family issues, and a slowly dying social life

And I'm sorry to everyone who put in request that won't get done.

I know all of you love this book, at least from the comments and I'm sorry to everyone that submitted a request

The book got popular about 4 months ago when the show started releasing, and I loved writing your guys' requests, as weird as they were

And thank you to

For being here along the journey, but I think this is where the book ends

127 words, sorry y'all

( Update, go see post: "April Fools?"

Hazbin/ Helluva Onshots ( Requests: Open )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora