Husk x reader

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Warnings: none

You were previously staying at the hotel and dating husk

Slight spoilers to one of the episodes

Yesterday was the celebration of the hotel for having managed to redeem a sinner and get them into heaven

Everyone decided to close the hotel for today to throw a small celebration

It was you, husk, Alastor, Charlie, Vaggie, and one of the new guests, sir pentious, were all celebrating

And it was the one day Charlie allowed the drinking. Alastor was drinking a little the same with Vaggie, and you and Charlie didn't drink

But obviously angel dust and husk got drunk off their asses which you found funny

And the next morning when you woke up after you and Charlie decided to have a girl's night instead since it was getting crazy, Alastor, Vaggie, husk, and Angel dust didn't even make it to their hotel rooms

Husk was passed out at the bar counter, angel dust and Vaggie were at the couch and no one knew where Alastor even went, classic

Veggie was first to wake up and she didn't drink enough to even have a hangover so as vaggie and Charlie cleaned the little mess, husk ended up waking up

And he was used to the hangover so didn't mind it but you still found it funny walking over to him and since you and Charlie left early yesterday you asked

"How drunk were you yesterday" and he looked up at you, which with anyone else he probably would have told them to fuck off, but since you guys were dating he found it cute you were checking on him

"Well I still have my pants on so not that drunk" you only giggled lightly, "Hun... Those aren't your pants" to which he looked down and realized they weren't and looked back up "who's are they?"

And you looked down examining then "well they look like alastor's.." you said chucking

Bonus: later when Alastor came in he immediately walked to husk demanding his pants saying he was wondering why everyone was staring at him

346 words

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