Week 5: Where Is Hope To Seek?!

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(3rd Person POV)

Out in the ruined streets of Starlight City, a portal made of nothing but shadows starts to spawn from the ground in a quiet alleyway, and out hops three figures: (Y/N), Julian, and Atlas Dearest. All three of them have just escaped from a large armanda of corrupted people for the second time, and now they've been forced to flee while IRIS, the media conglomerate from the underworld, holds off the same swarm back at the music venue.

After exiting the portal, all three figures take a moment to catch their breath by resting against the cold brick walls, and taking notice of each others current condition with the corruption. Starting off with Atlas, he's recovered a small portion of the magic he wasted during the first assault, and have made some recovery, with only having some of the black substance on his left eye, chunks of his hair, entire left arm, parts of his right arm, and having lots of pink strings wrapped around his entire body and limbs.

Meanwhile with Julian, his entire left arm, half of his left leg, and a quarter of his body is infected. Still a bad situation if the lanky relaxed individual gets caught off-guard, but not the worst predicament to be in. Finally with (Y/N), who's hugging himself as his body keeps shaking, he's not doing so well. Three quarters of his body have been engulfed in the painful parasitic paint, consisting of his arms, legs, and entire body, which leaves only half of his neck and entire head as the only parts of him that aren't infected, but the most important detail about the young boy can be seen in their eyes...

...They're filled with massive amounts of pain.

Julian: (takes in a deep breath) That... That was scary. (looks around) Are you guys okay?

Daddy Dearest: (slowly nods) I'm making some recovery, but I doubt it'll be any quicker. (tries to move his arm, but flinches) I hate these cursed strings, constantly constricting movement and sending shocks if I even move against them.

Julian: (takes a closer look) Those strings? These things are sort of like a stupid limiter to your magic? (gets an idea) Hey! How about I use my infected arm to rip the strings off you! That way, I won't risk getting any more infected!

With his signature smirk on his face, Julian grabs some of the corruptive strings with his infected hand and tries to rip them off. Unfortunately, all that does is cause both him and Atlas to feel a small yet painful electric shock, getting the cousin of Whitty to let go as the corruption on his body starts to creep up to his neck.

Julian: (flinches in pain) What the?! I thought that would've worked!?

Daddy Dearest: Well, you thought wrong, Julian. Whatever these strings are, they're made of dark magic, the kind that Harvester uses. As such, any physical contact from both mortal or magical properties won't do anything to it, and that goes for any weapons that lack magical properties, as well. So, no offense, but I doubt that your Wireframe form would be able to do anything about it.

Julian: (nervously chuckles) It's cool, Atlas. To be honest, I only use that transformation for entertainment and fun, due to not knowing how to use it for any form of contact. (thinks for a moment) So, is there any way to get those strings off then?

Daddy Dearest: The only way is by using magic that is either equal to the strength of these blasted strings, and unfortunately for me, my magic isn't exactly at its prime at the moment.

Julian: I get it, still trying to recover what you used up first... (clicks his fingers) I've got it! How about (Y/N) tries to use his shadow magic to get rid of them? He did say he got it from that freaky jester, after all! (looks to (Y/N)) Hey, (Y/N)! Could you help us out with this problem real quickly?

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