Week 1: An Unexpected Rescue

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(3rd Person POV)

(Y/N) and Darnell are continuing their trek on the highway across Starlight City, forced to take any necessary snack breaks when their stamina gets low, and observe the destruction that the place they call home is currently enduring. All the while, they pass corrupted civilians on the lower roads, which pay no mind to them, as well as a constant stinging from their corrupted parts. For (Y/N), that part is his right arm, and for Darnell, that part is a pink string-like item wrapped around his torso.

Darnell: (puffs) Man, this walk is getting boring. I feel like we've been walking for hours! How far even is your place?

(Y/N): (looks at his phone) Well, it's only been 50 minutes since we had to take this path, but I can understand your exhaustion. It's usually much quicker when you have a car here. As for your question, if we somehow found a way to get to the lower floors, we'd have made it there about a few minutes ago.

Darnell: Oh, okay. Still, I hate that Pico's corrupted. That dude has had enough happen to his life, and now he's been turned into some crazy zombie by some weird slime?! I swear, I'm gonna incinerate that monster for doing this! (grits his teeth) Speaking of that slime, think you know a way to get this string off me? It's the only thing Cass didn't get off.

(Y/N): I don't know. I could try and pull it off, but it may result in either you getting more hurt, me getting more corrupted, or both. The only way to get it off, from what I remember, is by a more powerful demon removing it for you.

Darnell: (groans) Great. You tell me this after Cassandra gets taken over.

(Y/N): Hey, don't worry. Hopefully, the Dearest's are still un-corrupted, they can help us remove this stuff off! Also, don't worry to much. Aside from spreading, which happens depending on your emotions and other corrupted people nearby, all it really does is just cause an annoying sting.

Darnell: That's nice to know. Still, I'm impressed you're getting used to this- (hears something behind them) Watch out, behind us! 

(Y/N) and Darnell quickly turn around, just barely being able to spot a Corrupted Cassandra, still in her Penilian form, charging right for them, with one of her eyes being slightly dimmer than the other. After spotting her rushing appearance, the tow boys quickly take opposite ends of the highway, forcing Cassandra to choose which one to attack. Instead of making the decision, the corrupted alien instead stands in-between the boys, constantly taking glances at them.

Corrupted Cassandra: Hmm... So you think splitting up will allow you to have a better chance at stopping us? Well, we find your attempts of survival pathetic. Many have tried to evade our scarlet skies, but were no match for our power alone.

Darnell: Okay, this stuff has definitely made her crazy. I mean, Cassandra has never referred to herself as an "us" before.

(Y/N): Well, maybe it's not Cassandra speaking. (Darnell gives him a look) I mean, someone, probably the lemon demon, is using her body as a way of communication. In short, possession.

Darnell: (nods) Ah, now I get what you mean. (looks to Cassandra) So you think using some giant bed-bug will be enough to scare us? Well, you better try harder than that, fool!

Corrupted Cassandra: (chuckles darkly) Then try harder, we shall.

The Corrupted Cassandra then swings her tail at (Y/N), while charging towards Darnell, with the intention of slashing his torso. Darnell quickly rolls out of the way and uses his lighter as a flamethrower, giving the infected alien some burn marks on her fangs and claws. Meanwhile behind her, (Y/N) is evading every jab the tail does to him, before climbing onto it and running towards the head.

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