Week 1: A Goth Girl On The Run

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So, here I am, running away from the corruption, again. This is just great. Still, I'm glad that Pico gave me an Uzi to use until this whole problem is finally dealt with, but I still wish I could've saved him. I made a promise to save Boyfriend and Girlfriend, but if I can't save others, then how can I possibly save them? By rapping hard and shooting at them? Well, Pico tried, and he wasn't successful. At least Nene and that skeleton kid are safe at my place.

Speaking of my place, it was a smart move to destroy Pico's phone, that way the corruption doesn't know where I'm residing, which also prevents Sunday and the others from getting attacked by those freaks. But I should stop worrying about them, and start paying attention to what's currently happening with me. Right now, I'm running through downtown of Starlight City, hoping on losing and confusing some corrupted enemies before heading back to safety.

The corrupted people that are currently chasing me are Boyfriend, Pico, and one of those demon henchmen Mrs Mearest usually has beside her. This is incredibly bad for me, cause they have that stolen limo to drive, and Pico still has his Uzis, so there's noting stopping him from holding me at gunpoint while they corrupt me. Soon though, I find a good hiding spot, running into a dark alleyway, and hiding inside one of the massive garbage containers. I may stink, but it's better than getting caught. After a few seconds pass, I hear a vehicle pull up, doors open, and the sound of footsteps right outside my hiding spot.

Corrupted Pico: Are you goddamn positive the went this way? I can't see shit down here.

Hearing the distorted voice of the Corrupted Pico, I hold my breath, hoping that they soon leave before I either make a noise, pass out from the lack of oxygen, or both.

Corrupted BF: Yes, Pico, I'm sure our dear (Y/N) went through here. They must've used its shadows to hide from us.

Corrupted Pico: (chuckles darkly) Well then. let's scare our little buddy out of his hiding spot, now?

I begin internally panicking, hearing the sound of an Uzi getting loaded, obviously by Pico. Now, I'm not afraid of Pico shooting, because I've seen and heard him do it multiple times back at the shooting range in high school. What I'm actually afraid of is where he'll be firing, since I have no way to tell if he's aiming towards my hiding spot or not.

Guess I'll have to take a blind shot in the dark, as I hear the gun go off, trying my best not scream in fear or make a loud noise. After a few more seconds pass, I hear Pico let out a yell of anger, meaning that he either missed me or shot somewhere else.

Corrupted Pico: God fucking dammit!! He isn't here! What's worse is that there's a dead end at the other side of this alleyway!

Corrupted BF: Patience, Pico. This can help us. Since we know he isn't here, add on the fact there's a dead end in this alleyway, this means that our dear (Y/N) must've climbed the wall, and is already on another street. Let's do now, the more we stand here arguing, the more our dear (Y/N) gets away.

Their footsteps, as well as Pico's grumbling, soon get replaced by the sound of the vehicle riding off. Once I make sure the coast is clear by peeking out, I climb out of the container, before letting out a massive sigh of relief. If Boyfriend decided to search more clearly, or if Pico shot at my hiding spot, there's a massive chance I would've become corrupted. I prepare to leave the alleyway, until another distorted voice stops me.

???: Halt, loser!!

I turn around, finding myself staring down one of those corrupted kids I had to evade earlier tonight. Now that I have a better look at them, I can now notice more details than I have from before. For starters, they appear to be shorter than I thought, also having a generic bowl haircut, while wearing generic clothes as well.

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