Week 1: A Schizophrenic In Their Way

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Edit: I thank my friend on Discord, Rage, for making the art for this chapter!! If you are reading this, Rage, I cannot thank you enough for this!!! You truly are a great Artist!!!


Well, it's been at least 5 weeks since this whole outbreak occurred, or as what the rest of Starlight City has called, "The Corruption Incident". Ever since me, Sunday, and Whitty split up to stay hidden, we've been trying to keep in touch with each other. Key word here being "Trying". I've been texting Whitty, trying to see how he usually is, but I don't get a response until a few days later. Though, he does crash at my place when he's nearby, even if it's only for a day or two.

Meanwhile, living with Sunday isn't that hard, but it isn't that easy either. For starters, she wants to play her guitar, but I had to tell her many times that she can't because that level of noise could risk us getting spotted and corrupted. Next, she loves to sleep on the couch, nothing wrong with that, but that means if I want to watch TV, I have to rely on the internet, which is slowly losing more people, or Netflix, and who even likes watching Netflix on your phone?!

Lastly, she likes to eat and drink. Now, this wouldn't be a problem, if our supplies weren't usually running low after a week. Good news is that there a few gas stations I can sneak out to and grab some stuff from. Bad news is that I've drained those stations, and the current closest store is a few blocks away, which means if I want to head over there, I have to make sure no corrupted people spot me.

Still, we're running low on food and drinks, and I don't want to rely on eating insects, dust particles, or animal food, so I enter my room, grab my trusty knife from the mall, as well as a bag for carrying any supplies, and head over to the front door, passing Sunday as she's watching some kind of garage sale show.

(Y/N): Hey, Sunday. I'm heading out for supplies. If I don't return in at least half a day, either search for me, or abandon the place.

Sunday: Got it, you can trust me to keep this fort safe.

I give her a nod and close the door as I head towards the elevator, hitting the ground floor button, and descending down. On the way down, my mind starts to drift off, thinking about other possible survivors. I already know Whitty, Sunday, Mr Dearest, and Mrs Mearest are alright, but what if there are others? I mean, I saw Pico, Nene, Hex, and even that Tankman at the mall during the incident, so could they be fine as well?

I'm brought out of my thoughts as the metal doors open, showing the building's ruined lobby, and allowing me to walk to the main exit. Going through the double doors, I'm greeted with what has happened to Starlight City now, with it becoming nothing more than a few cracked buildings, silence across the streets, and the constant feeling of dread in the air, worrying about possibly getting spotted, or worse.

Even knowing what may come, I press on, heading towards where the store is located, taking any necessary shortcuts or pathways, in order to stay hidden from any corrupted citizens. Speaking of the citizens, they were corrupted, but they all looked the same person. Strange. Not to mention, they seemed to be getting along together, heading off in even numbered groups, and... playing games of Russian Roulette?!

Okay, (Y/N), enough questioning the corrupted. Just continue going to the store. I press onward, heading towards the store, until I eventually reach it. Unfortunately, the doors seem to be barricaded from the inside, since I can see some nails sticking out through the door. Fortunately, there is a gas station nearby, so I make my way over to it. I'm just about to enter the door, when I hear a gun click behind me.

???: All right, you. I'll give you one chance to step away from the door, or else you'll be a bloody stain all over it.

Hold on a minute, that voice sounds familiar. I quickly turn around, seeing a ginger with white eyes wearing a green shirt, beige pants, marron shoes, and holding two Uzis in his hands. However, part of the left side of him has been corrupted, turning his eye pink, and he now has chains wrapped around his body. We have a bit of a stare down, until I break the ice with just one word.

I Promise (Yandere FNF Corruption x Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora