Chapter 09

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After 4 days -

Author pov :

Jimin's room -(Evening time)

Jimin is sitting on his bed while doing office work in his laptop.

Jimin is sitting on his bed while doing office work in his laptop

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Suddenly he heard crying of his mate .He quickly remove laptop in front of him & run towards baby crib in his room.

Jimin made this crib for her in his room . Her crib is near his bed . Jimin dont want her live alone in a room. If he is in his mansion then baby Y/n will be with him & if he is not here then his trusted old maid Mrs. Wang will take care of her .

He quickly take her in his arms .Y/n quickly stop crying .

Jimin : Why my baby is crying...huh....*softly*Dont cry baby your tears are precious to me .*kiss her cheek*

Jimin made her lay on his bed & check her diaper which is wet .

Jimin : i m going to change my sweetie's diaper .*smile*

Y/n look at him with her doe eyes , Jimin smile at her .

Jimin change her diper , he check her dress after cleaning her .Jimin do everything gently .Jimin always talk to her while doing her works , Y/n just shows her tooth less smile .Jimin love her smile a lot .

After making her ready he order maid to bring her milk .Jimin gently take her in his arms & make her drink milk from feeder .He softly kiss her forehead .

Jimin look out from his window , now its fully dark outside .He saw Moon & smile .

Jimin : Thank you moon Goddess for giving me this innocent soul in my dark life . After she enter in my life ,she erased my all darkness. Thank you Moon Goddess .*smile*

Then he look down & saw her sleeping .

After making sure that she is sleeping,he softly makes her lay on her crib

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After making sure that she is sleeping,he softly makes her lay on her crib .He put mini blanket on her as its kinda cool season .

He smile at her cute sleeping face .He chuckled at her cute action as she kick her blanket from her body .

Jimin again put a blanket on her but make sure that she cant kick it .

After he see that she is in deep sleep ,he slowly walk out from his room & tell Mrs.Wang to go towards her .

Jimin is going out .Jimin takes his jacket & go out from his mansion .He signal his beta to secure this whole mansion .

Jimin goes inside his car & driver start the car .He open his phone & look at y/n 's crib side .Yes Jimin actually put a secret cameras all around her her crib side .As i said Alphas are very overprotective towards their mates so......

After making sure she is ok .He keep his phone in his pocket .

He reach in his office .He is here bcz he need to attend an important meeting which was very fix urgently & thats why he is here at this time .


After the meeting over all ceos go out

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After the meeting over all ceos go out .Now Only Jimin & his members are here .

Rm : Jimin i think this project is useful for us .

Jimin : Yes Hyung i agree with you.

Hobi ; Btw tomorrow we are going to Park Mansion . We all want to spend time with our cute luna .*smile*

Jimin smile .

After talking with them Jimin left for his mansion .


After coming back Jimin quickly goes towards Mansion's basement area .

Jimin stood near a metal door , his man opened it for him . Jimin go inside & saw someone lying on the floor .Jimin smirk at her/him.

Jimin order his man & his man throw water on that girl's face .She flinch & look up .

she feel fear & anger in him but she curls up near the wall.

Jimin : Well i hope you are enjoying out best treatment Ms.Song Kion. *smirk*


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