Chapter 03

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Author pov :

Doctor come inside & sits on her chair .

Doc : Sorry for being late Kion .

Kion : *roll her eyes*You waste my time now do your work Sihoon.

Doc : umm...ok . Why you are here ?as your next appointment next month then ?

Kion : Im here bcz i want to get rid of this f*cking child .

Doc : Sorry ?

Kion : Cant you understand im here for abortion .

They didnt know that someone was hearing them & boiling in anger .

Doc : But why Kion ? The baby is Ok then ?

Kion : Look my rich Boyfriend dont want this child .He left me . I got pregnant so that i can marry him & rule his property but that dickhead left me bcz he get to know about my move . After he left me what i will do with his trash in my womb ? I dont want it . I thought by using this child i will be rich but....*sigh* Now prepare for abortion.*Boring eyes*

Dic : Are you out of your Mind Kion . How can you think benefits of using your baby . For God's Sake spare this little soul .I thought you change after you get pregnant but i was wrong . You are still a b*tch !!

Kion : Shut up . If you cant do this then i will do it by another doctor .*angry*

Doc : Dont Kion . Dont kill this little angel . Being a mother is a blessing but woman like you cant understand its value .

Kion : Ok then keep your lecture in your mouth . Now im going to another doctor .

With that She stood up But before she go out someone stop her .


They both look near the curtains & see Jimin is standing there . Everyone know him very well . Kion gulped in fear .

Jimin come in front of her & glare at her .

Jimin ; If you dare to hurt this child i swear i will kill you without mercy . *Dark voice*

Kion : Bu...but its my child.....i can do anything ....*slutter*

Jimin : Greddy b*tch like you dont deserve a child . I want this child .*dark voice *

Kion : ....w...why ?*scare*

Jimin : Bcz i want .I know you are a greedy person so i offer you ,if you give your child to me i will give you lot of money .

Kion :*shock*

Jimin : Dont be shock. I want this child safe & fine . If you try to do something bad then you will face merciless Mafia king PARK JIMIN .*dark voice *

Kion gulp & nodded .

Kion : ooo....Ok . i will give you but...want i will have after giving you this child ?

Jimin : I will give you 20 billion wons ,with 1 mansion .But still, your delivery date you will stay in my place .*cold voice * Kion became shocked , she cant believe that someone is going to giving her this much money .

Kion's eyes spark in greediness.She know how rich Jimin is .

Jimin hates her more .But for his mate he needs to deal with her .For her, he can do anything .Money doesn't matter for him .For him his mate is his everything . He know she is a greedy person . He cant leave his mate with this witch .That why he order her to stay in his place so that he can see his mate growing & her birth . After his born in this world he will take her with him .He will raise her with his everything .

Jimin : If you disobey me then bullets will go inside your head for sure .

Kion : ready but you need to fulfill my demands .

Jimin : Deal .*cold voice*


After 2 days -

Here Kion is inside PARK MANSION .She is sitting on the couch .She cant believe that she is living in PARK MANSION .

She cant believe that she is living in PARK MANSION

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After meeting with Jimin . Jimin 's man take her here . Jimin told his all wolf guards about their Luna being inside that girl's womb . Jimin's mans are very loyal . They can do anything for him & their Luna . Everyone know that Kion is a greedy person , they all hate her , they all are waiting for their LUNA's birth .


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