Loser, Bambi!

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AN: sorry guys I had to, the idea was just right in front of me.

*Lucifer walks out to see Alastor wincing in pain. Lucifer feels a bit of concern inside of him, he rolls his eyes, agitated at himself. He walks over to alastor inspecting him, causing him to flinch.* "Why do you have blood stains on you-" *Alastor swats his hand away.* "That is none of your concern your majesty." *Lucifer blinks twice blankly, he's not gonna give up easily.* "you got hurt during the fight didn't you?" *he says, causing the both of them to go silent.* "you don't have to hide it, we already know you're not immortal" *Alastor looks away, furrowing his eyebrows in agitation.* "It's not because of immortality.." *he mutters* "I would not care to die if it weren't for a certain reason" *Lucifer raises an eyebrow, curious to know what he meant by that.* "what do you mean..?" *he questions.* "Lucifer, do you ever feel like you're losing power? Or perhaps have you already lost power?" *Lucifer's eyes widen, he thinks for a moment. There was my instances where he felt like he was slowly losing power, and considering that he used to be a fallen Angel, he had definitely lost power.* "But of course being the all mighty king of he-" *His snarky comment gets cut off by Lucifer.*

"Yea I..uh..I did have a moment where I felt like I was losing power." *he mutters, causing Alastor's ears to perk up in slight surprise.* "being the king of hell it's still hard to earn respect." *Alastor turns to Lucifer.* "and I feel like ever since I fell from heaven, I've been losing a small percentage of my power." *he looks down at his hand.* "Pfft, you say that and you don't have a single scratch on you" *Alastor says in a snarky tone.* "you say that and you have a big scar on your chest." *That comment causes Alastor's ears to strike up in surprise.* "you know-?" *lucifer chuckles.* "the Stitches the blood, it's obvious." *He points out. Alastor grows silent, a bit cautious about his wound now.*

"So yea I know what's it's like to, feel like you're losing power." *he says reassuringly.*

*he looks over at Alastor, forming a grin on his face.*
"So things look bad and your coat is drenched in blood.."
"Your whole existence seems fucking hopeless" *Alastor looks up, not very pleased with his choice of words.*
"You're feeling filthy as a rotten deer carcass"
"Can't face the world cowardly and hopeless."
*Alastor looks at Lucifer, confused on what message he's trying to put out.*
"You've lost your way, you think your life is wrecked.."
"Well let me me just say you're," *he pauses*
*Alastors ears perk up again*
*Lucifer smirks* "you're a,"
"Loser, bambi! A loser gosh damn baby you're a,"
*he pauses again*
"Fucked up egotistical bitch!" *he says as if he were holding that in for a while
"Excuse me."
*he says, feeling insulted.*
"You're a Loser just like me!"
"You're a old timey asshole,"
"A barley one star reviewer you're a,"
"Overlord , thirsting for more!"
"But you've got company." *Lucifer leans against his Caine*
"I feel like you're just making fun of me at the point.."
"There was a time I thought that no one could relate to.." *he shrugs* "Since I was already so damaged" *he spins to the other side of alastor.*
"but allowing other to help it could sometimes set you straight!" *Alastor moves away from Lucifer a bit.*
"I wish I had this help all those years ago." *Alastor rolls his eyes and decides to play along.*
"I lost  a battle, to a repulsive undisciplined prick." *Lucifer laughs awkwardly, not really able to relate.* "Aha! And you think that makes you unique?"
"Get out here man!"
*Out of completely nowhere Lucifer starts dancing as Alastor watches, confused and amused.*
"We're both losers, Bambi, we're losers it's ok to be a!"
"Blood thirsty murderous cannibal?"
*Lucifer shrugs*
"Sure that's fine by me..!"
*Alastor decides to muse himself by joining in the singing*
"I'm a loser, darling a loser and a dummy but at least im not completely screwed!"

"You're a loser just like me" *they share the same line*

"I've got an appetite for pride"
"I've got an appetite for eating,"
"Every limb and body I can find!"
*Lucifer slides past Alastor*
"Go ahead Bambi sing that song!"
"I've got no demons left to overpower"
"I fell right down the hole for greed"
"Now I'm only craving more!"
"I'm trapped and the craving gets worse with every hour.." *the fall down the edge of the sidewalk.*
"You're a loser kiddo." *he teases while playfully nudging him.*
"A loser, but just maybe if we,"
"Eat shit together things will end up differently!"

"It's time to lose your self closing, excuse yourself, let hope in bambi,"

"Play your card be who you are!"

"A loser,"
"Wait why..why are we singing this is so random..?" *Alastor questions*
"I don't know.." *he shrugs* "shit you broke the melody!" *he puts his hands on his hips.*
"What a shame.." *he says teasing Lucifer.*
"You can't take anything serious can you?" *he sighs.* "nope..!" *he says smugly. Lucifer rolls his eyes.* "well anyways, if you need me to help with that wound I'll do it later." *he waves before going back inside the hotel. Alastor watches him go inside before humming the song they just sung and going inside the hotel as well.*

AN: I hope the lyrics makes sense, once this gets enough reads I might make a video of the song with my voice :3.

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