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"Yashiro come on wake up!"

You and the rest have been trying everything to get Yashiro to wake up. You sighed and had something in your mind pop up. "Yashiro if you wake up right now I'll give you a kiss!"


You laughed, but to your surprise, Yashiro did wake up as soon as you said that. Yako looked at Yashiro and rolled her eyes as he hopped off the shoulder of Hanako and walked away. "Yashiro thank goodness you're awake!" You exclaimed as you hugged her.

Yashiro smiled and hugged you back.


You wake up like it was a normal day. Late, like always. You did your daily routine and went to school, on your way there you realized the big giant tower from the looks of it, it looked like it was going to fall any second. 

You shrugged it off and continued on your way to school, it was always under construction.

You walk in your class and you see Yashiro throwing salt at Amane. 

"What the heck." You immediately rushed towards Yashiro and Amane. "Uhm hey?" You say to Yashiro. "Y/N! Why is Hanako here!?" Yashiro looked at you and hugged your arm. You looked at Amane with a confused look. "Who's Hanako?" You and Amane said. 

Amane went to his chair and ate his sandwich. Yashiro went back to throw salt at him again. "Be gone you evil spirit!" Yashiro exclaimed as Amane groaned in frustration. "Yashiro maybe you should stop." You say as you drop her arm down. "B-But-" Yashiro says. 

"Thank you," Amane says in relief. You went behind Amane and touched his back. "Uhm, Y/N?" He said confused. You went on to touch his hair. "He's real." You said to Yashiro. "Of course I'm real!" Amane said out in frustration. "See! It's weird!" Yashiro exclaimed. 

"Weird!? What's weird? And what's wrong with you Yashiro!" Amane looked at Yashiro accusingly. "Nothing's wrong with me, I'm completely normal," Yashiro says as she looks at Hanako.

You shake your head at Yashiro. "Yashiro, private talk me real quick?" You said as you grabbed her wrist. Amane looked at you guys then shrugged it off as he continued to eat his sandwich.

"Yashiro... What the hell was that!?" You said as you grabbed her shoulders. "I don't know! He claims his name is Amane." She says as she looks back at 'Amane'. "Yashiro, who is Hanako? It's Amane, we have gone to school together this whole time, what is up with you!?" You say as you look away from her.

"What do you mean!? You were even checking him if he was real!" Yashiro exclaimed. "Yashiro I was doing that because I thought we were playing some game, but you kept throwing salt at him, you're doing too much are you sure you're okay? Do you want me to call the nurse or something?" You say as you put your head on her forehead to check for a fever.

"Just go sit down. We'll discuss this later Yashiro." You said as you went over to Amane to take the salt off his hair. Yashiro on the other hand was going mental.

"What? But... What!?"


"Geez, is everything okay with Yashiro, N/N?" Amane asked you. "Yeah she probably had a weird dream, she'll get over it soon." You said as you kept fixing his hair. Amane blushed but you didn't notice as he had his face stuffed in his book. "Hey Yugi-kun, here's the book you've been asking for!" Akane came over to give Amane his book.

Amane was excited. "Thank you!" Akane just waved it off and then walked away. 

"Even Akane..?" Yashiro grabbed her head as she was spinning, everything was just so confusing. "Yashiro, come on you must have a headache let me take you to the nurse's office at least." You approach her. Yashiro closed her eyes and pushed you away. "Get away from me!" She said as she ran away.

It hurt to push you away like that but she didn't know what else to do.

You looked drained. Hanako then hugged you by the waist. "It's okay... She just needs to get used to it." You sighed and agreed. 


Class began and Yashiro came back, she sat in front of Amane so of course, she was stiff. You sat right beside Amane. You doodled on your notebook as you already had great grades. The teacher asked Amane to read out loud for the class and so he did. You smiled as you heard his voice. It was nice to hear him talk, even if he was spouting nonsense. 

You looked over at Yashiro as she was manically mumbling to herself.


"Okay, how about Yashiro you read." The teacher advised, but Yashiro was so caught up in her mumbling that she didn't hear the teacher.


Yashiro kept coming to You and Amane asking you random questions, like what's your favorite food, color, subject, and movie. It was weird but you just shrugged it off. During 4th period which was gym. The boys were playing soccer and the girls were running laps. "Yashiro, 1 minute and 15 seconds!" Aoi exclaimed. "That's a new record Yashiro!" You exclaimed.

"Okay Y/N, you ready?" Aoi exclaimed as she set up your timer. "Yup!" You said as you kneeled on the ground waiting for her to say go...."Go!" Aoi exclaimed and you took off. Yashiro looked at you run off. "Woah... She's fast." She mumbled. "Yeah, she runs for all of our contests here. We won 1st place every time." Aoi explained.

Yashiro thought this would be a great time to ask Aoi about Hana-Amane. "Uhm, Aoi... Has Amane always been here at school?" Yashiro asked. "Aoi looked up from her clock. "Amane? Oh yeah of course! His best subject is Science. Amane also has a young twin brother who is in the class next to us, Amane and Y/N are also very close... A lot of people think they're dating but Y/N says it's not true but Amane says otherwise." Aoi finishes.

Yashiro was gonna pretend she didn't hear that last part. 

Yashiro looked over the soccer field and saw Hanako kick a ball towards the goal. He made it in. "He has great form no?" Y/N popped behind Yashiro. "55 seconds!" Aoi yelled out to Y/N. "I'll catch you later okay Yashiro?" Y/N said as she went to get a towel.

Aoi went over to Yashiro. "Amane and Y/N are the most athletic ones here. They're perfect for each other. They bicker like an old married couple too!" Aoi said as she chuckled then walked away. Yashiro hated being jealous, but what could she do about it?

Hang out with Y/N more.

"Y/N!" Amane yelled out. "Yes, Amane?" Y/N responded as she drank her water as she had a towel around her shoulders. "Did you see that goal I scored!?" Amane exclaimed in excitement. Y/N only chuckled and nodded. "Yes, I did. I'm impressed." She says as she high-fives him. 

Yashiro felt the jealousy brew inside her stronger. 

Yashiro glanced to her left and she saw a tower in the distance. "Hey, has that tower always been there?" She asked. Everyone turned their attention towards the tower. Yamabuki nodded. "Yeah, it's been there ever since our first day here. Right guys?" He said looking back. "Yeah, it's always been under construction..." You said as you looked at it. 

"But I heard it's going to be finished soon!" Aoi exclaimed in glee. "That's right." Akane agreed. "What's it for?" Yashiro wondered. "Nobody knows but I think it's for a new classroom. Hopefully, it's a new art room! The new one gives me the creeps." You shuddered as you thought of the dirty classroom. 

"Girls, please line up!" the gym teacher called out. "Oh? Well, we have to go, bye guys! Come on Yashiro!" Y/N said as she jogged over to the coach as Aoi was already there. "Good luck!" Amane called out. "Thanks!" Yashiro replied immediately regretting it.


Ohhhh i am SOOO READY for this arc. I love the Picture Perfect arc so much y'all don't even understand.... Y/N is gonna have some like bad ass shit going on.. or smth idk.

Anyways this is an announcement that i will be allowing one shots now, I'll probably post them on this book too but organize them so it doesn't get in the way of the main story....

Check out the info and more part of the book (Very first 'chapter' of the book if you scroll far enough it should be there.) Recommend some one shots if you guys want. Thank you bye see you next time love you guysss!!! <3

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