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Ugh, now what do we do....

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You couldn't believe your eyes. Hanako possessed Yashiro! So much ruckus happened over time, there was a point when Hanako in Yashiro's body made Aoi so uncomfortable she had to get Akane. Akane slapped Yashiro's body so hard that Hanako flew right out and Yashiro's spirit was back in her own body.

"I'm back!" Yashiro cried out as she grabbed her red face in happiness. You walked up to her ruffled her hair and smiled. "That's good." You say as you look at her. She saw you with memorized eyes. You felt eyes on your back but didn't care much about it.

You saw Hanako in the corner of your eye. He sat on the floor. "He knocked me out of her..."

Kou was sitting next to Hanako. You rolled your eyes. "Why in the heck did you say that?" Kou asked referring to when Hanako was still possessing Yashiro.

"She's pretty flat."

You chuckled. 'Oh, man..'


"You guys want to know Aoi's secret? Why?" Akane said as he had a baseball bat over his shoulder. Hence, you were the farthest away from him. You started to sweatdrop to think of an idea. "W-well, you see..." You started. "It's just that she's been acting so weird lately, she's been distancing herself from others and I just want to know if anything wrong because when I ask her she denies it." You say confidently and proudly as for the lie you just made on the spot.

Akane looked at you with suspicion but shrugged it off. "Well, alright." He said. "If that's what you wanna know then I guess I can help you." He finished. You smiled. 'Hah.'

"Huh–!?" Kou and Yashiro exclaimed, Hanako couldn't do anything because Kou had his hand over Hanako's mouth, for some odd reason. You thought for a second then your eyes widened. If Hanako is invisible to normal human eyes, then why isn't Akane asking anything about why Kou has his hands stretched out?

You looked over at Kou and stopped on his shoe. "Ouch!" He yelped. You whispered to him how Akane wasn't asking anything about his arm being stretched out if he was covering Hanako's mouth if Hanako is supposed to be invisible to the human eyes. Hanako heard this of course and narrowed his eyes on Akane.

Kou put his hand down and hoped that Hanako wouldn't speak. You looked back at Akane who had a confused look on his face. "So, do you have any ideas Akane?" You asked as you crossed your arms.

"Well, you're right. Aoi seems to be thinking about some stuff lately, but she won't tell me anything about it." Akane says. "She doesn't want to worry her long-time friend... She's so noble!" Akane exclaimed. You looked at him and sweatdropped, maybe it's okay if he isn't involved...

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We made Aoi go to the auditorium. We heard a lot of ruckus outside so we all hid there. You don't remember much of what happened but then the whole auditorium shook, and a chandelier dangled from the ceiling and fell from the chains holding it up.

Aoi looked up and stood there in shock. You and everybody else's faces were in terror. You shouted but then everything stopped. Everything just stopped


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