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"Alrighty! Let's go find them!" Hanako says enthusiastically as if he wasn't just saying that he was going to murder them. "Hooray.." You say bored. This was going to be one heck of a long day...


"Okay, so how do we even find them?" You say as you think out loud. Kou nods his head. "There are more students in this school than you can shake a stick at." Hanako chuckled before wrapping his arms around you. "Do not worry, I know who it might be."

"No matter how well they blend into the human population, a school mystery-level supernatural would have a hard time hiding their identity from the fellow supernaturals," Hanako says as he still clings on to you. You felt eyes on the back of your neck but you paid no mind to it.

You kept on walking to try and see if anything was suspicious, or not in its usual state. You felt that Hanako wasn't clingling on to you anymore so you turned around and saw him staring at a door.

"What's wrong?" You ask. "I sense something here," Hanako says. You sweatdropped at the fact that you might not know what might be behind that door and how it might potentially hurt you.

You looked at the door once again and gasped.

Yashiro noticed this aswell. "...Our class?" She says a worried voice. "Does this mean...? That the keeper is in here?" You say in a shaky voice. Hanako only nodded. Even though you knew nothing seriously bad could happen you couldn't help but think how scary this might be.

"It's okay guys, we got this." You say as you tried to push the worrisome feelings away and you smiled. You saw everyone else smile but you knew that they were just as worried as you. Hanako saw you in surprise, he remembered something familiar but couldn't put his finger on it.

He smiled and chuckled.

'Yeah we can definitely do this.'

We opened the door and we saw Aoi, the girl. We were quite surprised. "Oh hey Yashiro & y/N! How are you guys?" She kindly said as she was cleaning the room. That's weird, the room was destroyed a couple of minutes ago, how come its fixed now?

You didnt pay much attention to it as you thought it was a clock keeper reducing time to how it was before. You said hi back to her anyways and pretended to grab something, and pushed Kou and Yashiro out of the room leaving Aoi confused.

"Okay, so uhm we can't just ask her if she's a supernatural." You said as you sat down in the hallway. "Why can't we?" Hanako asked you. You looked at him in disbelief. "Because it's completely weird?" You say as if that was obvious.

Ugh now what do we do....

Are you alive, or just existing?|| Tbhk/Jshk x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now