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(I'm really posting huh..)



You were staring at Hanako-Kun and Yashiro yelling and bickering about god knows what. You only sighed and smacked Yashiro on the back of her head. "Stop ya yappin'!" You exclaimed as you exhaled from your nose in frustration. "Oww.. Y/N!" Yashiro whined as she rubbed her head to soothe the pain. "Yashiro, don't you have a test to study for?" You asked as you saw her eyes widen. "Ah, I did!?" You nodded. "You better hurry, I'm pretty sure it's tomorrow.." You chuckled as you saw her run out of the bathroom. You looked at Hanako and said: "She doesn't have a test to study for." You said as you laughed.

Hanako snickered and gestured for you to sit down with him near the window. Once you sat yourself down you felt his head on your shoulder. You didn't know you could have contact with ghosts but it didn't really matter, as long as they felt safe around you. "What's wrong?" You asked the bathroom ghost. "Oh, nothing~" He dragged out the 'ing' as he started to drift off to sleep. You only smiled at this and let him rest. 'Since when did ghosts need sleep?' You thought as you pulled out your phone and looked through your contact list.


You started to message Yashiro to come back to the bathroom since she didn't have any tests to study for. 

Y/N: Yashiro, you don't have anything to study for come back.

Yashiro: WHAT???? SO YOU LIED TO ME???

Y/N: Lol yeah MB... 😅

Yashiro: Count your days Y/N.

Y/N: Nah I'm good.


Y/N: Just come back Yashiro.

Yashiro: I'll kick you when I get there!

Y/N: Sure you will, keep that confidence dear, you'll need it. 😋

Yashiro: DEAR!?

Y/N: Oh sorry, UGLY.

Yashiro: ...

Yashiro: Look up.


You turned off your phone and looked up only to see a menacing glare from Yashiro herself. "Oh Y/N..~" She smiled as she went to grab you but you quickly dodged it, you forgot that Hanako was on your shoulder so when you dodged Yashiro's attack he fell and hit his head on the wall.

"Ow! Hey Y/N!" Hanako saw Yashiro trying to chase you and you were terrified. He smirked and decided to chase you as well. "Hey, that's not fair! Hold on!" You said as you increased your pace. you ran out of the bathroom and down the hallway, Yashiro and Hanako right on your tail, You passed Akane and bumped into him causing all the papers he had in his hand to fly out. "Y/N!" He yelled out for you as you screamed "Sorry!" He sighed as he went to grab the papers and his glasses cause somehow you also caused them to fall, when he tried to put his glasses on he saw a glimpse of No. 7, he was trying to ignore it but he simply couldn't.

So he started to chase after you as well, well mostly Hanako but you as well.

"What!? You too Akane!?" You yelled out as you started to get tired from all the running.

"Come back here!"

All three of them yelled.

This happened for about 30 more minutes until you found a hiding spot near the gardening club. As you were hiding you could hear the people chasing you. You thought you were safe until.


You forgot to silence your phone, you thought nobody heard it but you felt a hand on your wrist yank you out of your hiding spot only to see Akane.

you laughed sheepishly, as you saw a death glare from him. "Hey, Akane...." You saw that he was not playing and you felt your throat go dry from the stress. He started to drag you back inside of the school as you kept on yelling and whining like a baby.

"Wait no please~! Have mercy on me!" You cried out but sadly he ignored you.


The end!

Are you alive, or just existing?|| Tbhk/Jshk x Fem!ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora