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Lil rant from me, This has nth to do with the story so you can skip this anyway, I made my crush download widgetable (a widget pet to take care of) so I made him install it right, and then I made him click on a link for it so now we're both taking care of the same pet (basically co-parenting) SO ITS LIKE WE'RE PARENTS I HAVE W RIZZ GUYS TRUST.

Anyways, remember to vote and comment!


So Hanako said that you could help return the stolen goods back to their rightful owners, you nodded and started to collect the stuff, some of the mokke decided to help out as they felt bad as walked in lines like ants and followed you to return the stuff.

"Follow the leader!" Said one of the mokke's as they all followed you as they chanted 'Follow the leader'


As you and the mokke finished taking the stolen items back to their owners, you started to head home. The bike ride home was peaceful but you felt hungry... really hungry. As you saw a nearby vending machine you decided to get [fav snack] and some [fav drink], as you were getting some yen to put into the vending machine one of your coins fell. As you went to grab it you accidentally bumped into someone.

You started to repeatedly apologize to the person. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!" You kept apologizing, as you heard a scoff. "You should be! Someone as clumsy as you shouldn't be bumping into someone as cute as me!" Said the unknown voice. You were getting mad. Who dares to just say something like that when you already apologized? Do they have no sense of respect?

As you looked up you saw a girl with pink hair and a little ponytail in the back, she wore a pink sweater, khaki pants, and a yellow scarf. You stood up and looked at her bit, She was an inch taller than you, judging how she looked, you would think she was a little younger than you by like a year or so.

"Excuse me little girl but you should really learn how to respect other people." You said as you stared at the younger girl down. The girl seemed shocked at your response. "Girl!? Yes, I'm cute but I'm no girl! I'm a boy, Sousuke Mitsuba, get it right the first time." The person you thought that was a girl but actually turned out to be a really feminine boy said.

"OH!" You exclaimed. "Sorry... I guess" You said as you looked away in shame, You didn't think you would be apologizing to him but disrespecting his gender was a bit too far even if it was by accident. The boy looked down at you and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever, Ms. Clumsy." The boy said as he pushed by you and continued his way.

You turned to look at the boy walking away. 'Isn't he from Kou's class? I swear I thought I'd seen him from before.' You dismissed the thought quickly and continued to get your snack and drink and head back home.

---Time skip---

As you rode your bike to school this morning you couldn't help but feel a pit in your stomach as if something bad was gonna happen. Once you got into school and changed your shoes, you went to homeroom and sat at your desk patiently. 

"...Have you heard? There is a rule regarding that staircase that you must never break. You must never set foot on the fourth step. Why? Because... you will be taken to the other side."

"Aoi, you should really stop scaring Yashiro like that.." You sighed as you leaned your face on your palm as you skimmed through your textbook. Aoi giggled. "But she loves these rumors, don't you Nene?" Aoi asks as she looks at Yashiro. "Yeah.." Yashiro trailed off as she stared off into the distance.

You kept reading your textbook until you had to leave. Your classroom was upstairs so you headed to the staircase, once you were on the stairs your mind went completely blank as if your brain wasn't controlling your body, but your body was working on its own.

Are you alive, or just existing?|| Tbhk/Jshk x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now