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You heard the ghost mumble "She thinks I'm cool AND cute !?" His mood immediately changed from sad to happy. It surprised you. "Well then, tell me your names and your wishes!" He said as he got out a notepad and a pen with a huge smile on his face with a little red tint on his face.

'Oh boy, something tells me this is gonna be stressful.' You thought as you looked at your friend with glossy eyes and the cute ghost in front of you.

'Wait! Cute !?"


I stared at the male ghost and my friend. "My name is Nene Yashiro! I'm a first year in the high school division, class A! My wish is . . . To have my feelings returned." She said as she softened her eyes as she thought of Minamoto-Senpai. Then Hanako-Shi looked at me, "And what's your wish miss?" He asked with an eyebrow up. I started to panic a little bit. 'What do I want my wish to be . . .'  I started to think then I got it. "I want to have people rid--" Nene slapped a hand over my mouth knowing what I was gonna say. "She's just playing." Nene laughs awkwardly Hanako-Shi raised a brow at this. I licked Nene-Chan's hand which made her yelp and immediately retract her hand from my mouth.

I started to speak. "So, Hanako-Shi, how does this work exactly?" You questioned the boy. "Well," He started. "You ask me for a wish, and I'll grant that one wish for whoever summons me. Then, I'll take something back from you as payment." He finished writing something down on the notepad. "And please, call me Hanako-Kun" He looked up from the notepad and smiled at you. "So, Nene Yashiro . . . She want success in love with . . ." Hanako-Kun stopped and looked at her. "You want success in love with who?" He questioned her. Nene looked at me then started to get something from her pocket. It was a picture of Minamoto-Senpai. 'Of course she has a picture of him.' I mentally laughed at this. 

Nene pulled out the photo of Minamoto-Senpai and she showed it to Hanako-Kun. "Minamoto Teru, a second year in the High School Division ! I want him to accept and return my feelings for him !" Nene finished. "Minamoto-Senpai is a very popular guy in the High School Division, everybody has or had a crush on him, including me. Since he's so popular every girl and guy crowds him so it's almost impossible to get a chance to talk to him unless you're in the Student Council." I stated. Minamoto-Senpai knows me, since I'm friends with his younger brother Minamoto Kou. He's a very nice person but since he's in the Minamoto clan he's an exorcist along with his younger brother.

Hanako-Kun only nodded at this writing stuff down. "Well, do you have any special talents?" I looked at her and gestured to her to tell Hanako-Kun. She looked at me then back at Hanako-Kun. "U-Uhm, I'm in the gardening club . . ." She said sheepishly. I mentally face palmed at her shyness but I can't speak cause I would be shy in front of a ghost too if it weren't for my outgoing personality. I checked my watch and it read '1:50' I yelped and got both of them to look at me with a confused face. "Shit, shit, shit ! It's 1:50 Nene-Chan We have to go now !" I panicked and yelled at her. She stared at me with a small smile on her face. "L/N-Chan I have a free period for 5th and 6th remember?" She lightly laughed. I looked at her with a bright red face. "Oh yeah . . ." I remarked. "Well anyways, I have to go unlike you, I have lessons in which I'm falling behind misereably so I have to go. Bye Nene-Chan ! Bye, Hanako-Shi!" After that I hurried my way back to Homeroom to get my stuff together. 'Lucky bastard . . '


"Oh my fucking god . . . How did this even happen . . ?" You muttered at the missing assignments your teacher placed on your desk. "Pardon me L/N-San?" You looked up to see your teacher Tsuchigomori-Sensei. "Ah! Nothing T-Tsuchigomori-Sensei !" You nervously laughed. He looked at you and rolled his eyes. 'Oh my god.' You thought to yourself. You counted at least 5 assignments you had to do before class ended. And all of them had like at least 6 pages. "Yep, that's it Aoi-Chan, I'm gonna quit school, I'm gonna become a drop out." Your best-friend Aoi Akane only laughed. You guys are so close to each other you use first name with each other. You guys met in the second year of the Middle School Division. Only two years ago and you felt like you guys knew each other for longer than that. 

Are you alive, or just existing?|| Tbhk/Jshk x Fem!ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα