Chapter I OF ACT OF ARSON ~ His Bride, Consumed In Flame

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...I'll have to admit...I was a pretty blessed child for my time...
I had a family who cared for me...I didn't have to go to work like my peers...I got a formal education...
...Y'know? I got to do so many things people no different than me didn't get to do...
....It is a blessing, a gift I'm still thankful for...
All good things come to an end, doesn't it?

It all started when I, and many others like me were invited over at the Phantomhive household for a tea party, at first, I was pretty exited, me and Ciel were friends for a wile ever since we met when we were 11. So I was pretty honored to come over again for tea.

"Have fun there Arabella!"

"Ok nanny Taylor!"

As I went there, It was like any normal tea party, it was outside, the sky was blue with the sun shining over us, as I sat down my seat

"Hey Arabella!" Said a girl with deep turquoise hair

Her name was Hatsune Miku of the Hatsune Household,

she is quite famous over here for her musical talent, she had deep turquoise hair like the shore on a tropical beach, and blue eyes that those who say them belived they were made of crystal

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she is quite famous over here for her musical talent, she had deep turquoise hair like the shore on a tropical beach, and blue eyes that those who say them belived they were made of crystal. We were also friends ever since we both went to an art museum. She came to give me a hug

M: "what took you so long?"

A: "sorry, I was just getting ready"

M: "Hm, Sounds reasonable!"

M: "Zahara! Arabella's here"

Z: "Oh! Arabella! Pleasure to have you here!"

Zarahara and I were friends since childhood, she had grey eyes and hair as dark as night, she was often the clam and collected one who barley spoke, she was always in a good mood most of the time, but today she seemed off, she had a frown dressed ...

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Zarahara and I were friends since childhood, she had grey eyes and hair as dark as night, she was often the clam and collected one who barley spoke, she was always in a good mood most of the time, but today she seemed off, she had a frown dressed on her face, and her once joyful grey eyes lost all of the sparkle in them

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