19-You'll hold my hand, so you never go astray.

Start from the beginning

im ok!! why u asking? :3

I believe you are looking for this.

Attachment: 1 image


Salt gave it to me. You can come to my room to retrieve it.


oops i didnt mean the question mark

Candle turned off her phone and patiently waited for Cheesy to arrive. Not even a minute later, the door swung open, Cheesy standing there with Trophy by his side, holding his hand.

Cheesy ran over to Candle's bed and grabbed the journal, holding it close to his chest, almost hugging it. "Ohhh my gosh, ジャーナル! I missed you!" Cheesy kissed the journal, which Candle assumed was in a platonic way(?) ...although she wasn't sure you could have feelings for a book. He must be pretty attached to that thing.

"I cannot thank you enough, Candle!" Cheesy thanked, still hugging the book tightly. He flipped through the pages, stopping at a specific one to make sure no changes were made, before quickly flipping through the rest and sighing out of relief. Trophy walked over to Candle and leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"Do you have any idea why Salt gave it to you instead of, I dunno... keeping it for herself?" Trophy asked.

"She was worried for him. If I know Salt, and I know everyone, then I know she doesn't feel sympathy for a lot of people unless it's something quite serious." She said, glancing at the yellow-haired boy flipping through and reading the journal pages while sitting on her floor. "I know this is a question that you aren't going to like, but has Cheesy ever showed signs of serious mental illness?" Candle looked back at Trophy.

Trophy looked away nervously. "I... I mean I know he has autism, but other than that, I'm not sure. He's always energetic and happy, which I'm usually glad for, but I've always suspected that it was a type of coping mechanism." Trophy explained, watching Cheesy as his face faltered by flipping to a specific page.

Candle hummed in acknowledgement. "I suggest that you should talk to him about this. I did not read through the journal, but Salt told me about the entry that she saw. Do you think it is possible that he has some childhood trauma that he has not unpacked yet?"

Trophy wasn't sure how to respond. He had always suspected that Cheesy had some sort of trauma because of the intense reaction he had from being asked if he was transgender, so he should probably ask him about that. Scratch that, he should absolutely ask him about that. If they weren't going to fix this now, then they never will.

"...I'll talk to him."


Cheesy sat in his shared room with Trophy, mindlessly scrolling instagram reels as he internally screamed at himself to get up and do something productive, but he stayed put. Trophy stared at him, contemplating whether he should talk to him now or later. He sighed to himself.


"Yeah, pookie?"

Trophy snickered at the nickname. "Okay, first of all, never call me pookie again-"

"Okay, schnookie!" Cheesy interrupted, smiling widely to himself. Trophy sighed in playful frustration. "Second of all... I need to ask you about something." Trophy got up from his bed and sat on Cheesy's, making Cheesy turn off his phone and sit next to him. "What's up?"

"This..." Trophy paused. "This isn't going to be easy to talk about, but I think I have to do this. Candle advised me to... talk to you; about stuff, and I just want to make sure you're okay, because I love you, so I just..." Trophy glanced away, not sure how to continue. He sighed.

"Do you have trauma that you haven't talked about yet?" Trophy asked, sympathy dripping from his voice. Cheesy tensed up for a moment. He knew he was going to have to talk about this with Trophy someday, but he didn't think it was going to be now. He didn't think it was going to be ever, actually.

"I... I never really talk about it, or want to talk about it, but...yeah, I mean, I've moved past that stuff, so I never really thought about digging through it. I just thought, maybe, just maybe I could ignore it. It isn't relevant now, there's no point in reminiscing, why can't I just forget about it-" Trophy cut him off by putting a hand on his cheek, wiping the tears off of his face. When did he start crying? He couldn't remember, but it felt kind of...good to be crying after so long of repressing his feelings.

Trophy didn't say anything, just engulfing Cheesy in a warm embrace. Cheesy slowly reciprocated the hug, letting out sobs as tears poured out of his eyes. He hated talking about his past, or thinking about his past, but he had to go through it some day. He gripped Trophy's torso as he buried his face in his chest, Trophy just petted his back as he whispered affirmations into Cheesy's ear.

"I fucking hate them- I hate them so much, Trophy..." Cheesy continued to cry into Trophy, which didn't bother Trophy at all. As long as he got to comfort Cheesy, he didn't mind at all. "Hey... It's okay, you're safe now..." Trophy ruffled Cheesy's hair, since he knew Cheesy liked that.

Slowly but surely, Cheesy's crying died down, now just small sniffles heard occasionally. Trophy looked down at Cheesy, and he looked back. "Are you feeling better?" Trophy asked, making his voice soft. His voice was usually hard and brash, but it was always nice when he sounded so consoling. It made Cheesy feel special, since Trophy usually never used that voice with anyone. (except for him)

"Y-yeah I think so..." Cheesy let out another sniffle, wiping the stale tears off of his face. He felt really tired after all of that crying, so he laid his head on Trophy's chest, his eyes drooping from tiredness. Trophy smiled. "Are you tired?"

"No, Trophy, I'm completely energetic and ready to take on the day /sar."

"Did you just use a tone tag in real life?"


Trophy chuckled and slowly laid down on Cheesy's bed, bringing Cheesy down with him. "You can take a nap if you'd like." He said, still hugging Cheesy.

Cheesy yawned. "Yeah, I think I will..."

Cheesy closed his eyes, slowly being taken into unconsciousness. 

(A/N why do I describe falling asleep so weirdly 💀)

Stopped writing March 31st, 2024. 1,608 words

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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