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Stopped writing: October 3rd, 2023.



"I can't believe I'm letting you hang out with me." Trophy says in an annoyed tone.

Trophy never thought he'd be walking to a coffee shop with the most annoying comedian in the Hotel. ...Scratch that, The only annoying comedian in the hotel.

He hated when people tried to care for him. He thought he could take care of himself, and just the thought of people trying to help him made him feel like they were babying him. Underestimating him.

He didn't understand why Cheesy of all people wanted to hang out with him all of a sudden. Maybe he was just bored. He was sure Cheesy would stop caring about him after this whole thing ended.

But deep down, he didn't want him to stop caring. It was nice to have someone acknowledge him in a non-negative light for once. Even if he was being an asshole.

"Well I can! ...or maybe that's just 'cause I'm gullible..." Cheesy responds. Trophy got so lost in his thoughts he forgot he even said something to him in the first place.

"Glad you're self aware." He retorts.

He usually never minded Insulting people. If it boosted his ego, it was good for him.
But, he felt kind of bad about insulting Cheesy. Only a little bit though.

Cheesy scoffs at the response.

"You're so rude sometimes, Troph!"

"Troph? Excuse me?"

"Yeah! Troph! Isn't that a nice nickname? I came up with it on the spot!"

"I can tell." Trophy says under his breath.

Cheesy whips his neck around to look at Trophy. Trophy was surprised he didn't break his neck.

"What, twerp?"

"Don't insult my nicknames like that!"

"Do you give everyone you meet nicknames?"

"Nope! I just thought you'd be good with a nickname."

Trophy sighs.

"What? It's good!"

"Just...Shut up. We're almost there."


There was a comfortable silence for a while.

Cheesy walked closer to Trophy and looked at him.

"... What do you want."

"Can you piggy back me?"

"Exqueeze me."

"What? That's a totally valid question!"

"No I can not piggy back you."

"Aww, pleaseeeee?"

"N. O."


Cheesy looked like he was up to something. That's because he was. He jumped up onto Trophy's back and giggled.


He tried to pull him off, but it was no use. He wasn't getting off any time soon.

Totally NOT In love. (Comedy gold/Tropheesy)Where stories live. Discover now