
776 21 411

Started writing: December 3rd, 2023.

To my biggest fan. Wait, scratch that... To my air conditioner.



Cheesy had been plaguing Trophy's mind like a virus lately, and it was getting unbearable.

He told himself he was being "too nice" recently, and needed to stop going soft... But it was hard to do that with Cheesy.

Trophy saw Cheesy as this pure, innocent, opposite version of himself. He found it kind of endearing.

He would never admit to liking Cheesy, even in a platonic way. Whenever anybody would ask about their relationship status, he would always say they were "allies" and nothing more. Sometimes he would even insult Cheesy in the conversation to prove it, whether it be about his tooth gap or his short and stubby legs, he would go out of his comfort zone just to prove him and Cheesy aren't, and were never a thing.

He felt extremely bad for dropping Cheesy yesterday, and wanted to apologize. At first he beat himself up for even thinking of the word "sorry", but he felt as if Cheesy was the exception to that twisted mindset.

If you told him a year ago that he would be head over heels for, objectively, the most obnoxious person to be around in the hotel... he would've laughed hysterically in your face. Instead, he's thinking about what Cheesy would look like with his shirt off.

Trophy sat up and got out of his bed

'Okay Trophy, just go out and apologize to him. Simple! No gayness involved. A perfectly normal apology.'

Trophy made his way out of his room...

And spent the next 30 minutes looking for Cheesy.

Cheesy was absolutely nowhere to be seen. He wasn't in his room, he wasn't in the lobby, he wasn't in the performance room, or on the roof, Which Trophy was actually quite glad for.

He walked over to the front doors of the Hotel and debated if he should check outside.

He sat there for an entire minute thinking, until he heard the door open.

Standing before him was the Cherries, looking mischievously happy, and Cheesy, who looked like he just got beat up by a wild animal.

Trophy immediately ran up to Cheesy.

"CHEESY! Where were you?! What the heck happened?! Are you okay?!"

"Woah woah Troph, calm down! Cherries just invited me to play outside with them, and...I fell out of a tree."

The Cherries giggled.

"Yeah! We got a piggyback ride too!"

"Yeah, you almost broke my back..." Cheesy said jokingly.

"I thought your boyfriend did that last night." One of the cherries said, glancing at Trophy.


Cheesy yelled so loud that half of the hotel could probably hear it. The Cherries started laughing hysterically on the ground, tears forming in the corners of their eyes as they forgot how to breathe.

Trophy just stood there, mouth agape and absolutely FLABBER-SMACKED by what the Cherries just decided to say.

"H-how dare you?! That is extremely inappropriate! Besides, I don't even have a boyfriend, and I d-don't want one!" Cheesy lied, staring at Trophy for a moment before looking away. He didn't want Trophy to see him blushing.

Totally NOT In love. (Comedy gold/Tropheesy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя