
719 11 156

Started writing October 6th, 2023


Cheesy had been going on and on, talking about random topics, and then somehow switching to a separate topic in the time span of 4 seconds. He would constantly be talking about something and then say "Oh, that reminds me of-" and change the topic faster than you can say munch a bunch of crunchy carrots (haha I love octonauts)

Trophy had been listening to him talk non-stop. His voice was just so mesmerizing. He glanced at his watch and then realized what time it was.

8:32 AM.

Trophy quickly got out of his chair and picked up Cheesy.

"And then Airy slipped and fell into the- Woah!"

Cheesy was lifted above the ground by Trophy effortlessly, He grabbed Cheesy's drink and passed it into his hands.

"Here twerp. Hold this. We need to go. We've been here for like an hour and a half..."

"Uhh- okay- Wait, an hour and a half?! How long have I been rambling to you?!"

"Don't worry about it." Trophy said picking up his belongings.

Trophy adjusted Cheesy to be on his back and they rushed out of the coffee shop.

Trophy ran and ran towards the directions of Hotel OJ, desperately trying not to drop the coffee or  Cheesy...scratch that...just Cheesy.

Although he was running faster than Usain Bolt on Heelys, Cheesy felt at ease. It was a bumpy ride, but he felt weirdly relaxed.

Cheesy yawned and said

"Can I sit in your cup?"

Trophy abruptly stopped running.

"I- what? Why would you want to sit in my cup?!"

"You're a Trophy! How could I not resist!?"

"Y'know what. I'm too tired to argue with you about this. Just get on."

"Yay!" Cheesy yippeed, climbing into his cup and getting comfortable.

"This is a one time thing though. Don't think I'll let you do this all the time, Twerp."

"Hehe! I won't!" Cheesy lied.

Trophy started running again. He wanted to get to the Hotel on time for breakfast, and plus he had been missing his daily jogs so this was a good workout.

Cheesy sat in his cup comfortably, probably daydreaming about getting a comedy gig or something.

He never thought a cup made out of gold would be this cozy, but here he was.

Cheesy yawned and felt himself getting tired.

He felt his eyelid droop and before he knew it, He fell into the peaceful abyss of slumber.

Trophy's POV:

I keep running towards the direction of the Hotel until I see the familiar warm colored light emitting from Hotel OJ in the not-very-far distance.

A sense of relief washes over me. I've been running for a while now and my legs are starting to get tired. I need some rest.

I'd be much more content with just collapsing on the ground and taking a break, but I have an entire person in my cup so that would be a bad idea.

Totally NOT In love. (Comedy gold/Tropheesy)Where stories live. Discover now