Sleepover Part 4

Depuis le début

-"He didn't!" Said Eda, faintly in the background. "Darius told me!"

-"YOU SNITCH-" Hunter said, angrily.



(I mean, if ya know the meme, ya know. 😏)

-"Okay, kids, settle down." Eda said.

Hunter breathed a sigh of relief, but then-

-" —We can force Hunter to eat later." Eda, finished.

-"Oh come on!" Hunter said, being ignored as the game continued.

-"Soo, I guess it's my turn. Hunter! Truth or dare?" Gus asked,

-"Didn't I- nevermind. Truth." Hunter said, sighing.

-"Who's your favorite person in the emperor's coven?"

Before Hunter could answer, Gus said cut him off.

-"And no, it can't be Darius or Raine." He said.

"Fine. Then it's... Steve I guess. He's a pretty chill guy, we don't talk much. But he's the most tolerable." Hunter answered.

Gus just lets out a small hum in satisfaction.

-"Okay, it's my turn. Luz, Truth or dare?" Hunter asked, turning to face the Brunette.

-"Truth, I guess?"

-"Uh... how was your life back in the human realm?" Hunter asked, genuinely curious.

-"Oh! Hm... where should I start? Oh! So, it used to be Me, my Mom, and my Dad. When I was way younger, but dad got ill. My mom never told me what kind of illness, though. But around the time I was 5 (NOT CANNON) we moved to gravesfield. Mom said it was because the new house was prettier. But I think it was because there was a better hospital for dad. Then he... I don't really like talking about this, but I shoudn't be affected by, it since it happened so long ago- but my dad passed away beacuse of it... but he left me the book, 'The Good Witch, Azura' and, I've loved it ever since. But when I started school and tried to make friends, they all called me weird because of my likes. And soon, it got worse. They'd corner me, and make fun of me. Sometimes it got... physical. You could say. And then I kept getting in trouble for acts and stuff I'd do. Like one time for a play, I used sausages to pretend to have ripped my organs out. It was PERFECT. But I ended up in the principal's office. After getting into the principal office multiple times, my mom tried to send me to this 'Reality Check Camp', but I mean. I don't blame her, I wasn't doing well in school, but the idea of it made me feel.. I don't know. But then. Eda's palismen tried to steal my Azura book, and I chased it into the portal. To which I met Eda! Whoops- sorry. Went on a rant, there..." Luz said, smiling.

Everyone was silent, most of them had only one thought.

-"What the fuck, Luz." Hunter spat out, speaking for everybody.

-"What? Did I say something?" Luz asked, slightly worried,

-"Luz are you okay?" Willow asked, to which Luz nodded.

-"Yeah, I'm fine, why?"

-"FIRST. OF. ALL. Once we get the portal working, I will go to the human realm and beat up your whole school. SECOND. OF. ALL. We're gonna talk later. THIRD. OF. ALL. Don't say that, you deserve to mourn for your father, Luz. It doesn't matter if it happened a long time ago, you can't downplay your feelings and expect us not to take notice." Amity said, sternly. Being the AMAZING girlfriend she is.

"Amity is right Luz, we're your friends. We want to help you." Willow said.

-"Yeah! Nobody hurts our friend, and gets away with it!" Gus said, agreeing with Willow.

-"I know I'm probably the worst person to talk to-"

-"You aren't." Luz, Gus, Amity, Willow, practically everybody in the room said, cutting him off.

-"BUT, I want to help you. Because you're my sister, and I care about you...." Hunter said, mumbling the last part

-"AWWW, Hunter!" Luz cooed, which made Hunter blush in embarrassment.

Surprisingly, Amity smiled at this. As long as Luz was happy, she guessed she would be okay with her spending time with Hunter. Eda, Willow, and Gus smiled at the scene too. King had already fell asleep on Luz's lap.

-"Anyway- Oop. Looks like king fell asleep, Eda can you take him to our (king's and Luz's) room?" Luz asked, handing the sleeping king to Eda.
-"Sure, not too surprised he didn't last long." Eda said, picking up king and taking him away.

-"Okay, Oh!- Wow, it is getting late, we should go to bed." Luz said, noticing the time.

So, everybody get ready for bed.

-"Night Everyone!" Luz said, getting comfortable. She was met with more 'Goodnights!' Or something, then everybody drifted off the sleep...

Okay! This seemed kinda short, but I hope you guys enjoyed anyway! There's gonna be like 10 parts or something by this rate. So I'm so sorry for that. Anyway, I hope you all have a great day. And make sure to eat and sleep, bye Loves<3

(Word count: '1313' NOT including this)

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