Chapter 12🔞

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Vivianne Pov:

The whole rest of the week was more than amazing. We went on several walks, stared at the stars in the sky, went to the lake, passed through the gardens, watched the sunrise/ sun set, admired the moonlight, danced to our to our favorite songs, and loved eachother.

As our time together dwindled down, I began to feel a pit in my stomach, and I think Darcy started to feel it too because we got more and more clingy, and the trip went on It was hard to comprehend that we would be separated from each other but also married to MEN. This is the one thing we both don't want. We sat and talked about it, cried and about, and decided that we wanted to make the most of our final full day/night before we go back and implement our plan.

We woke up next to each other, holding each other tightly as the morning sun started to rise. I turned to ask Darcy if she had any specific plans other than potentially pleasing each other later. She said she wouldn't mind but that we could also do whatever I wanted. A thought came to mind that never crossed before.

V:" What if we drew nude portraits of one another to keep. I know it won't be the same as being together, but we would have something to hold onto of each other if we can't get away."

D:" I like that idea a lot, but who should go first? It will probably take a few hours."

V:" I'll go first because I want to see what I took like on paper to you, but we can do that after we spend the day together just one more time out."

We took the day to ourselves to do anything we wanted. First, we went back to the gardens to admire them one more time, collect some flowers, and bit by the fountain. We saw the two beautiful blue butterflies flutter over us once again envious of the freedom they had. After that, we decided to go sit on the edge of the cliff and watch the fields of grass and flowers flow with the wind. While we were sitting, the wind picked up, and we decided it was time for dinner before we started painting. We sat down and ate our last full dinner, reminiscing about all the fun we had here and how this would be our last full night to see one another.

Once we were all cleaned up from eating, I'll get my stuff ready to draw.

I made my way to the study room that had a nice couch and a chair with a rest for her to draw on.I immediately took my clothes off, setting them to the side and arranging the pillows on the couch so I would be comfortable for a few hours. I got into position, making sure she could see all of me properly. I laid my hair in place perfectly and positioned myself, so all of my was visible to her.

I took the time to stare back at her while she drew me. She was so focused and serious about this like it was her life's work. As time went by, I could see her going back to make edits looking at me more intensely, just making sure she got all the details of my physical appearance. I sat there for what in my mind felt like year, but I knew were only hours hoping to make this process last forever. Based on which tools she was using, I could tell she had started shading parts of my skin and also started adding highlights.

As I remained in that position for the last hour, she did almost the finishing details coming up close to me to make sure they were accurate to what she had drawn. As she made her finishing details on my face, she managed to sneak a kiss in before bacing up to do last-minute touches, then put her tools down and just looked at it. I asked her if I was all good, and she waved me over to come see my portrait.

To say I was astonished was an understatement she captured every timy piece of hair, every curve and simple in my skin, as well as the tiny little details in skin texture and hair texture. I looked at it for a good while admiring how talented she was, knowing she could be big one day if she wanted.

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