Chapter 3

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Camillè Pov:

I couldn't believe Darcy hadn't called on me at all the last 2 weeks, and according to the other girls, she hadn't called on anyone to satisfy her.

I was pissed and confused about what happened that made her switch like this now that she won't even look at me. While I was sad, I also had a few other suitors I was courting, so I couldn't be too upset, but I was not going to let someone replace me as Darcys suitor behind closed doors.

This all made me upset, and it didn't help that my parents were arguing again about clients not paying them back. I mean.. they are broke. Why do you think they needed a loan in the first place, dad?

Apparently, one client in particular still hasn't paid him back, and it's making him more and more upset.

Maybe the reason Darcy is acting this way is because of that girl at the ball. I mean, I've never seen them together, but I've seen them glance at each other more than a few times, but I wonder if it's mutual or if Darcys going for a straight girl. I'll have to do some snooping to figure it out.

Darcy Pov:

I decided to write to a friend of mine a few towns over to see if I could borrow her château on the lake for me and Vivianne.

She knows about me and has been more than welcoming, especially since my parents are absent. She gave me an okay to bring Vivianne, and I wrote to her immediately telling her about the trip at once so we could prepare.

Dear Vivienne, I would like to invite you to my good friends, château, a few cities over that have a beautiful view of the lake and lots of ground for horse riding and walking. Hope to hear back from you!

I sent the letter of yesterday and should be expecting a response any minute now. I prepared the carriage for travel. I packed me art supplies, some more poems, riding gear, and picnic baskets for our first stop there.

A few hours later, one of the castle staff brought me a letter from Vivianne, and I was so excited to hear what she had to say. I opened the letter and began reading immediately.

Dear Darcy, I would love to accompany you to the countryside this weekend. Is there anything I need to bring? I have clothes and undergarments, but is there any other attire I should bring? I'll bring my books and charts so we can watch the starts together.

I immediately started writing a new letter to be sent out immediately so my angle could prepare. I told her to bring her and all of those things, and I would provide the rest. I handed my letter to the man and awaited her response.

As Thursday approached, I got more and more excited about our trip out to the countryside as the carriage rounded the corner my heart filled with butterflies, and I felt the sense of warmth returning to me now that she was here.

Vivianne Pov:

I got out of the carriage and gave Darcy a hug, telling her how much I missed her and how excited I was to be going on this trip.

We entered the carriage and began our journey East. The total trip would take about half a day, but due to the weather heating up, we left mid day to get there early morning Friday when it was cool.

During the duration of our journey, Darcy and I talked about our favorite meals, colors, musicians, our favorite forms of art, and much more.

As we rode down the path we both stared out the window watching thr fields roll by and it made me wonder if a life with nothing but her would be worth the danger or if she would even want to leave this life behind.

D:" Hey, what's wrong, love?"

V: " I just wonder what out like could be like if we moved away to be together." I wonder if we could really do it and how peaceful it might be to live freely but how different life would look for us both."

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