Chapter 6

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Camille Pov

I saw Darcy return yesterday with that girl from the ball. I wonder if they have relations like I'd used to with Darcy.

One of my many suitors I frequent without the ball has also had eyes for this girl and I'm hoping I can entice him to do a little bit of spying for me at the next event this coming weekend.

I can't really see what Darcy likes about her. She's not rich. She doesn't have class like I do, and she also doesn't hold a title.

Maybe applying a little pressure to these two will make them stop seeing one another, and I can have Darcy all to myself once again. That girl doesn't deserve her. I know she doesn't deserve her because my father works with poor people like her all the time, and they are completely undeserving of a royal life and such lavish attention.

I need to devise a plan to get rid of that girl if I can't expose her. If I do this incorrectly, I could hurt Darcy in the process, and I don't want to hurt her because she mine. I won't let that girl think she got away with this.

Darcy Pov:

I woke up the next morning wanting to check on Vivianne and her injuries, but I knew that patience would be my best option. I wrote a few poems for her, went on a walk, finished unpacking my suitcases for the weekend.

There had been mention in the castle of the King arranging marriages for gentlemen with titles but no luck with a wife yet, and apparently, he's starting here and moving to other cities west.

This makes me nervous because not only do I not wish to marry a man if he picks Vivianne, I have no way of seeing her ever again should she get married and move away. Realistically, though, this is just a rumor, and I have no idea if this is real, and if so, it would take ages to pair either of us up.

I continued walking through the castle where I saw Camille and one of her suitors talking very quietly, almost like she was planning something or giving instructions. She never really could be trusted she always had something going on behind the scenes.

I carried on with my day enjoying the thought of a ball soon and started to think of what Vivianne would wear to the next ball.

I decided to take a walk into town put of sheer need to cure my boredom but also get some fresh air I ended up walking to a fountain hidden in a trail by a deep layer of trees where I found Vivianne sitting on a bench writing in a book.

Vivianne Pov

D: " Love, what are you doing here, and what wrong? You look so sad."

She caught me off guard, but honestly, I was glad to see her.

V:" My parents are arguing about money again, and I didn't want to be in the house with a headache trying to rest while they bicker, so I came out here for some peace."

D:" Oh no, what are they arguing about? If you don't mind me asking. Here, I'll check your wound while you tell me about it. "

I moved my dress so he could get a closer look at my back and assess how the healing was going

V:" Basically, my parents don't make a lot of money, and all the money my mom makes goes toward our bills and my dad's debt. He gambles and drinks more than he should on the weekends, but my mom loves him and refuses to try and get him to stop because his business is slow. So because of this, he borrowed money from a guy in town and is trying to pay it off, but it's not going well, and I think they are just frustrated with each other."

D:" Oh wow, I'm so sorry, Viv. I hate that you and your family have to go through that. I'm sure they will be okay they seemed like wonderful people who love their daughter to pieces."

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