Shigure smiled again. "That's very generous of you. We should start getting used to this, I guess. We can't always rely on you and Tohru to clean up our messes." He sighed, but furrowed his brows at the books she held. "Oh, what's that, Y/n?" A blush brightened her cheeks as she tried to cover the books. "Just something. It's not important." Kyo crawled over to her, catching a glimpse and then snickered. "Looks like someone's trying to get Yuki's attention." Waving her hands around in a frantic motion, she stuttered. "No! That's not it." She covers her face as she stands. "I'm going to go help Tohru with dinner." Y/n avoided their gazes, especially Yuki's which felt like a burning sensation.

Once she walked into the kitchen, she felt her furrowed brows relax as did her shoulders. She glanced toward Tohru, watching as her shoulder softly shook. A frown took over the H/c girl. "Tohru.." The said girl wiped her tears and looked back at her with a smile. "Y/n! What's up?" Casting her e/c eyes down, she shuffled over to Tohru and pulled her into a tight hug. She was never one for affection but she loved Tohru so much that she was willing to move past the discomfort. "Everything will be fine. Remember what Mom used to tell us?" This made the brunette smile, eyes misty. 

"No matter what happens, always look on the bright side."

The two sisters relished in the embrace, smiles on their faces. "I love you, Tohru, so very much." The burning behind her eyes got stronger as she struggled to hold back her tears, along with the ache in her throat from the sobs that never left her lips. This was it. This will be the last time Y/n will ever see Tohru.

The last time she would ever get to hug her sister.

The last time she would ever feel so free.

Clutching the crumpled paper between her frail hands, a scowl covering her face before it softened when she looked up to the sleeping brunette not even five feet away from her own bed. She had been hiding this paper ever since it arrived in the mail, that being only a few hours ago, under her bed. Repeating the words in her head as she reread them, over and over again. 

Dear Y/n, 

I regret to inform that once you've settled in at our home, my mother wishes to move across the country. She says she's found a better job, but I doubt that will last long just like last time. I'm sorry for such the short notice, but mother had wished to surprise you with it. Though, I decided to go against her wishes, knowing you hate surprises like these. I hope you've gotten your goodbyes in order.

Sincerely your cousin

Hilda Coleen.

Shaking her head, Y/n pulled her knees to her chest and rested her forehead against them. Her head swirling with thoughts, thoughts on how she could possibly prevent this, but nonetheless, she couldn't think of anything that didn't end with her once again living in a tent.

Letting out a shaky breath, she felt the urge to cry but her stubbornness stopped her from doing so. Why couldn't she have made enough money to buy her and Tohru their own house? Why did they always have to depend on others? Why did Y/n depend so much on Tohru? The mere thought of leaving Tohru left a bitter taste in her mouth. But now she was expected to actually leave her. Why doesn't anything go the way the two want? She could see it already. The feeling of Tohru's embrace, the smile she would put on for Y/n to show she was fine when in reality, she was not. The tears filling her eyes to the point they spilt down her cheeks. The sadness in her eyes--

She jumped from the bed, rushing out the door and to the balcony where she leant over the railing, gulping down deep breaths of cold air that stuck to her now sweaty skin. Her heart pounded in her ears as she squeezed her eyes shut, hoping the images in her mind would leave her. But to no avail, all it did was make her breath catch in her throat. Her figures, straining to hold her up as she bowed her head, bending her knees to bring her to a crouch. She could feel the tears well up in her e/c eyes. She couldn't bear the thought of hurting Tohru this badly. She was all the girl had left, just as she was all Y/n had left. The only one who ever showed her as much kindness as she had begged for from her own mother. She felt her shoulders begin to shake as the tears finally fell from her eyes, dripping down her flushed cheeks along with her runny nose. A quiet sob left her lips, but she brought her hands to cover her mouth, hoping this would be enough to silence the noises. What would Kyoko say if she could see her now? Would she reach out and just hold her like she used to, or would she whisper those loving words in her ears as she tucked her into her tiny yellow bed with her tiny mouse plushie? What she would give to just hear those nightly compliments, to just hear the little giggles Kyoko would let out when Y/n made her tuck in the stuffed animal. 

Her arms slowly slid down till they were wrapped around her just how Kyoko would hold her, leaning against the balcony wall, she closed her eyes once her mind relaxed through the never ending tears that flooded down her face.

Wincing at the bright light that shined in her eyes, she cracked the s/c eye lids open slightly and found that she had fallen asleep on the balcony. She sat up with a groan and wiped at her tear-stained face. Standing with the help of the balcony ledge before walking into the home, now tense. She didn't know how she would react once she saw Tohru. Would she tell her the truth, or would she just lie through her pearly whites, like always?

She stood outside the shared room, her eyes burning holes into the wood door, her eye bags protruding eye bags showing off that she had barely gotten sleep from the night before. She rubbed at the dark circles and shook her head, not caring for the way her hair fell messily around her face. Lifting her hand to rest on the knob, she twisted it and opened the door, finding Tohru standing over a now sheet-less bed. "Huh? Oh, Y/n! I was wondering where you had gone, I figured you were downstairs. We should get--" She was cut off when Y/n walked up to her and pulled her in for a hug. This was weird, even for Tohru. Y/n was never this affectionate. Had something happened? Was there something worrying the h/c haired girl? Tohru, being as motherly as she had grown to be for the girl, rested a hand on her h/c locks, caressing them. Y/n nuzzled her face into her sisters neck, not wanting to leave her comfortingly warm embrace. 

"Is everything alright?" No answer, but Tohru didn't mind. She was used to Y/n not wanting to voice her emotions. She knew she would tell her eventually, when she was ready.

Finally pulling away from the hug, her eyes were still squeezed shut tightly, never wanting to forget this moment, but surely all good things come to an end as she opened her eyes and found herself staring at a smiling Tohru. "Why don't we go downstairs and eat some breakfast?" With a nod, the two leave the room, but unknowingly Y/n didn't notice that her side of the room had already been packed, and at the moment she couldn't care less what happened to that letter.

All she cared about right now, was Tohru.

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