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The sound of footsteps echoed down the sidewalk as Y/n rushed up some stairs that led to the place Tohru had sent her.

Once at the top, she ran to the open living room door,  only stopping when she saw her best friend sitting looking towards two people she didn't care enough to familiarize herself with yet. Y/n drops the bag that seemed to weigh thousands of pounds onto the floor and soon followed with it next to Tohru. "Are you alright?! You weren't in the tent when the landslide happened were you?!" She asks, out of breath, grabbing onto the pale girl's arms to check for any injuries. "Y/n! I'm fine, are you alright? Why are you out of breath?" She asked confused and received a grunt from the h/c girl. "What do expect?!" Y/n shouts annoyed.

"You tell me there was a landslide and don't expect me to worry?" The thin layer of sweat that lay on her forehead began to become more noticeable as she yelled. Tohru smiles softly and pats the girl's arm. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you!" She apologized, resting her hand on the shaky girl's arm as Y/n calmed down. Sniffling was heard making the two turn. "How sweet! Sisterly love." A man with black hair squealed, dramatically.

Y/n stared in shock at the person next to him. Yuki Sohma, prince of her school. The boy that she was talking to not even four hours ago. "Miss L/n?" He seemed just as confused as she was. The girl glared at him and looked back to Tohru. "Y/n/n, they offered to let us stay here the night since the tent was destroyed." She mumbles, awaiting the reaction of her dear friend. Y/n's lips pull into a thin line as she thought over the situation. Sighing her eyes slid back to the Sohmas. "What's the catch?" Y/n asked knowing that there had to be something more to it. Shigure shrugs at the girl. "Nothing. Just being the compassionate person I am and letting you stay the night." He smirks as he spoke.

Yuki rolled his eyes and shakes his head. "There's no catch, we just want to make sure you two have somewhere to stay for the night." He clarified, making eye contact with the e/c-eyed beauty. Squinting, Y/n puffs out her cheeks.

"One night. That's all. And then we'll be gone." She spoke with a stern tone and her glare slowly dissipated into a soft look when she saw Tohru's chest heaving up and down. "Tohru?" Just as she said the girl's name, Tohru passed out, falling into the arms of Y/n. Raising a hand and pressing it against Tohru's head, Y/n frowned. "She has a fever. Do you have any ice?" Shigure nods and stands, walking over to a door and opening it to find a jungle of trash. "Somewhere in here." He sweat drops.

Once they had gotten the ice and a few blankets for the two girls, Tohru was asleep with Y/n passed out by her side, holding her hand in a tight grip. Yuki stared in wonder at the two, Shigure sat by Tohru, checking her fever.

"Surprising." Yuki mutters, stealing Shigure's attention from the two girls. "Miss Honda is always so cheerful and upbeat at school. Miss L/n is always so serious and headstrong. I wouldn't have guessed they'd been through so much." Yuki leaned against the wall in thought. "It's amazing." At this, Shigure quirked a brow and hummed. "Amazing? How so?" He mused, leaning back on his hands, legs still crossed. "Well, take me and the Sohmas." Yuki starts, crossing his arms in a tight hug. "I thought I'd broken free of them, but I haven't really. Or I would've bought a tent like Miss Honda and Miss L/n and gone off someplace where they couldn't find me. I'm realizing that I'm-- spoiled." He slightly paused at the end and looked down at his feet.

Raising the fan he had in his lap that now was in his left hand, Shigure covered his mouth. "It's actually pretty rude, you know. Calling their suffering 'amazing.'" He slightly chuckled.

Yuki walked past Shigure and nods. "True."

Shigure brows furrow slightly and he turns his head to look over his shoulder. "Tohru said they were sisters, right? Then how come their last names are different?" He asked, only getting a shrug from the grey-haired boy. "I'm not sure. Why not ask them yourself when they wake up?" Yuki stretches and rolls his eyes at the man.

Perfect? ~~ Yuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now