the movie came to an end, and y/n reviewed,"it was a good film! i love it!" they nodded and they played another movie and started watching.

as time passes, they started falling asleep, y/n yawned and looked around her only to find everyone asleep, she gets up from her place.

after turning TV off, she took blankets and started covering them and then, she sat on couch with a cushion and blanket. Slumber took over her. 










next morning, they all were in university, y/n yawned when aruem asked,"what happened, sleepy head?" y/n glared at her and replied,"We did movie marathon, yesterday"

saanvi said,"you are getting along with them" binita nodded and remarked,"and she started accepting them too" 

y/n started thinking about binita's words, y/n thought,'am i accepting them?, why? because their and my enemy is same? or because they show their affection?'

her thoughts got interrupted when bell rang and jungkook entered inside, he greet them back, he started his lecture.

later in evening, y/n came downstairs getting ready, in brown high waist and a black top inside with crop blazer, a bag in her hands, he moved towards door.

jungkook asked as he came out of kitchen with coffee,"going out?" y/n nodded and asked as she wore her heels,"kook oppa, can you get me a glass of water?"

jungkook almost chocked on his coffee at 'oppa' word, he nodded going towards kitchen, y/n chose a car key and saw jungkook forwarding her glass of water. 

after drinking it she returned the glass and jungkook asked,"can i use one of your car?" y/n said thinking,"i love them a lot, if you bring it back without any damage then you can"

jungkook smiled and y/n went out, taking her car out of garage, she got a call, she said,"yes, yeonjun, i am on my way"

she drove off, after parking her car she got out in front of a cafe, yeonjun stood their with mask, cap and glasses covering his face, he was in a tux matching her vibe. 

y/n lowered her glasses at his look and passed an impressed smile, he opened door for her and they got inside the cafe.

they got inside a private area, reserved by yeonjun, he pulled chair for her and she sat, he asked,"what will you like to have?"

y/n ordered as he removed his cap,glasses and mask, y/n looked at him while he shook his head vigorously to set his hair down, she was lost a little in his features. 

he asked,"sorry, you were saying something?" y/n blinked and said,"yeah..i ordered, you order what you want" he nodded and ordered for himself. 

they sat in silence, while looking outside from glass window, he asked,"so what are your likes?" y/n commented,"don't you know?" he said,"i didn't stalked you!"

y/n teased,"oh you didn't" he smiled and a smile formed on her lips too,she said,"i like to work, study, exercise, coffee,movies and a date" he looked away as his smile got wider at her flirting.

her smile intensify and she asked,"so what's your favorites?" yeonjun looked in her eyes and said,"i like dance, modelling, reading books, singing and a CEO" 

she chuckles and server came with their order, as soon the order came they both dig into it and having small conversation in between. 

after coming out of cafe, y/n waved and said,"bye, it was a nice date, yeon" he looks at her with crimson cheeks at a nickname, y/n thought while getting inside her car,'i am giving him green signals' 

after parking her car in driveway, y/n opened her garage only to witness a shocking thing, she barged inside house yelling,"MIN JUNGKOOK!"

(y/n's outfit)


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i know no one asked me but i want to tell why i chose, yeonjun, i chose him because he is younger then boys and y/n is also younger so it suits with the theme, also why i didn't chose anyone from stray kids, so the reason is that i already planned them as Ichor's associates.






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