Year 2: Sixth Month, Part 5

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Nox swept Erebos in an arc, and a wave of frost blasted his opponent, forcing the Zakrarian to erect a wall of fire around him, protecting him from a cold prison.

Exactly as Nox had plan.

Taking a deep breath, he charged. The fiery barrier had already dissipated, revealing his startled opponent. Too close to evade, he swept his mighty hammer, crackling with flames, hoping to hit Nox. And he would have, if Nox hadn't slid on the ice-caked stage, the hammer passing a hairsbreadth above him.

Momentum carried Nox forward. He extended his hand and latched onto his opponent's right leg, stopping his slide. With a powerful tug, the Zakrarian toppled with an indignant curse. Nox leapt to his feet and placed Erebos's tip upon the student's throat.

The crowd erupted into deafening cheers.

So far, so good, he thought, bowing to the Zakrarian student.

The first morning of the competition had gone as smoothly as he expected. With four opponents defeated, Nox would finally advance to the semi-finals while only having spent little of his strength—an impressive feat considering their proficiency in different forms of magic.

That's because I gave you an incentive last night, Estella teased.

He sought her out among the audiences and found her next to Luciana, smiling with pride and joy. Nox raised Erebos in triumph, and the crowd cheered louder.

Your father's incentive is more enticing, Ella. He felt her joy through the Resonance. So, you're free later for lunch? The semi-finals wouldn't begin until tomorrow; he got time to spend with her while he rested, maybe even finalize his strategy.

Sure, if you don't mind my sister coming along. He sensed her displeasure. She insisted.

There was not much they could do about that, so Nox agreed. After deciding to meet later in the dining hall, Nox went back to the waiting room.

He wasn't surprised to see Ireela inside, beaming at him. "Congratulations, Master!"

With a smile, Nox took the canteen of water she held for him. His Squire's assistance had been invaluable today, helping him don his equipment and catering to his need without complaints even though she had a fight of her own as well.

Then he frowned. "Ireela, aren't you supposed to be participating?"

"My fight won't be until this afternoon, Master."

"Who's your opponent?"

She scrunched her face as she thought. "Farasj is his name, I think. A Pantosian second-year."

Nox's frown deepened. It wasn't against the rules to fight a senior Wielder, but he was worried of the gap in experience and skills. Ireela still had much to learn.

She noticed his expression. "I'll be fine, Master," his Squire assured him. "You taught me. I will win."

Her confidence surprised him, and he smiled. It was almost the same thing he had told Estella last year. Was this how he appeared to her back then?

"All right. Still, be careful."

"I will, Master. Oh, Sir Zalthor has a duel in a few minutes. Do you want to watch?"

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