Year 2: Fourth Month, Part 2

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"Are they postponing the festival?" Ireela asked.

They were seating outside the infirmary waiting for the healers to emerge from the healing room. Reina was only unconscious and deemed ready to leave after a day of rest, but Erian required extensive attention and care.

Shifting in his seat, Nox said, "I don't know. But worst case scenario, Reina will be expelled." Beside him, Estella winced.

"What she did is unprecedented, but not unusual," she said.

Nox raised an eyebrow. "So you're defending her?"

"No, of course not! But you've seen Erian's actions. The girl is starved for his approval."

And that was the heart of the problem. If Erian had just been more serious with his duty as a Knight, Reina might not have violated one of the rules of an exhibition match.

"It was still wrong of her to do that," he said.

"It is, but you can't always control emotions. Let's just hope that the Headmaster will see it as an accident."

Nox wanted to believe it was an accident brought about by Reina's desperation. But he saw the girl's determined look before unleashing her spell; it was the look of someone who knew what would happen and yet she still did it. Was it out of spite?

If it was out of spite, your friend would have been a completely charred husk.

At least there was some comfort in that not happening, though Erian was still not away from danger. It had been an hour since the healers started working on him.

The minutes dragged on, the clock ticking in a rhythm on the wall like a heartbeat. Nox tapped his foot on the floor, glancing at the door to the infirmary every time he heard the slightest hint of footsteps.

Finally, after nearly twenty moments, the door opened and the head healer emerged, wiping sweat from her wide forehead with a handkerchief. Nox rose to his feet at once, as did Estella and Ireela.

The plump woman dipped her chin toward Estella, then asked Nox, "Are you Sir Erian's family?"

Nox shook his head. "A friend of his. But his family has been already informed. How is he?"

"He's in a stable condition now. However, he requires rest and more healing." She hesitated for a moment, glancing at Estella. "We may have to ask for a more experienced healer."

"That bad?" Estella asked softly.

The head healer nodded. "I've heard some rumors. What his squire did, I've never seen an injury like that in my years here in the Academy. The girl... I don't know what the Headmaster plans to do with her, but I have to recommend expelling her and seeking therapy for her."

Nox and Estella exchanged glances. "Has she woke up yet?" Estella asked.

"No. We had to give her sedatives. She spent so much of her mana that she would be in extreme pain if she's conscious." The head healer paused briefly. "In any case, Sir Erian will be moved to a private room. You can visit him tomorrow."

With a short bow to Estella, the head healer walked away. They watched her disappear down the hallway, then Nox turned to Estella. "What now?" Her thoughts, however, were easy to read.

Headmaster's office.


Nox had only been inside Headmaster Garion's office once—when he was called in last year after the trip to the Forsaken Forest.

The room hadn't changed much, even after several months passed. His nose still tingled from the incense burning on a table along one wall. That stuffed dragon head was still snarling at him, and the golden eyes seemingly following his every movement. Not for the first time, Nox asked himself if it was alive.

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