Year 2: Sixth Month, Part 3

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There was much excitement when the Headmaster made the official announcement: Thurin would participate in the Inter-School Competition.

"It's late, but we still have time," Nox said during a meeting with the student council. His duty never stops even while he is still recovering.

Erian nodded. "We've been preparing for this while you're in the infirmary." He scanned a sheaf of papers then handed it to Nox. "For your review. The first page lists all the students who would participate in the competition, from all seven academies. The second is for VIPs, while the third is the activities schedule."

Nox read the list with interest. Most of the names were unknown to him, but they were quite a few that he was familiar with. "Zalthor Brugg. I'm not surprise he's joining." He paused as he turned to the next page, his eyebrows rising. "Lord Alzeron, wasn't he the High General?"

"No, that's his twin. General Vizeron. Alzeron is the former High Mage and current principal of the Thurinian Academy."

"Ah." Their names were so similar that Nox often mistook one for the other.

Much of the meeting was spent discussing their strategy against each Academy. Though this was a friendly tournament done every odd year to strengthen ties with the other kingdoms, it was still a tournament that would pit Wielders from one school to another. And since Faven was the host for this year, the Academy wouldn't allow itself to be humiliated, especially against Thurin.

Such a rivalry dated back during the foundation of the Seven Academies, and from what was recorded, it was the result of the Seven Wielders' own competitiveness with each other. Apparently, the other six were jealous of Faven.

It's a silly rivalry. Faven was undoubtedly the strongest among them.

How do you know that?

There was no response. Nox had already expected that, so he didn't press any further. He knew when he was being avoided.

The meeting ended an hour later, and with a strategy centering around Wielders with high endurance. "It will be an attrition," Nox had said. "And we need to stay until the final rounds, especially against Thurin."

The competition occupied Nox's thoughts as the days passed, so much that during one of Estella's lectures, it took him nearly a minute before he could realize that his lover was asking him a question.

"I'm sorry?" he said after jumping a little when Ireela nudged him.

Estella sighed. "Look, love, I know you're daydreaming about me, but please focus on my lecture for now."

Nox rolled his eyes while some of classmates, including Erian, snickered. "Yes, Teacher." You don't have to tease me like that.

Yes, but you know how much I love to tease you. "Now then, who can tell me about the advantages and disadvantages of transforming an Animarta to another form..."

The days passed swiftly. Nox continued training for the competition, and Ireela as well. She was even more driven now, her desire to make him proud evident in her rapid progress.

By the start of the third week, students from the other academies began to trickle. They arrived in batches, mostly by carriages, some in skyships. First, the Damirans, strong of body and will. Many of their Wielders were towering giants; legends said they were the descendant of a tribe of one.

The Zakrarians, meanwhile, was the exact opposite, lithe and graceful just as their skyship was. The Pantosians wouldn't arrive until the day before the tournament, however, their ship still sailing on the river Sadir.

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