Year 1: Seventh Month, Part 3

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"Well what?"

"Say something about the food. Come on, Nox. We're almost finish with the deserts but you barely said anything about the food."

"I told you it's good. What else do you want me to say?"

Estella pouted. Even though Nox was more open to her, there were still times when he would like his old self, barely saying what was on his mind. It was annoying, really. But it was also part of his charm. She just loved unraveling his thoughts and making him put them into words.

With a smile, she bit into a slice of apple pie. "Fine. But I can tell you really like it, especially the main dish. You kept staring at my plate after you finish."

It could have been her imagination, but she thought his cheeks were slightly red. "I'm not," Nox said indignantly.

"Yes, you are," she said with a smirk. "I told you, right? I don't mind giving a portion to you."

"I'm full, Ella. I can't even stomach another bite of this cake anymore." He looked down at his plate where two-thirds of the blueberry cake he had ordered still sat uneaten.

She shrugged. "Okay. I'll finish it for you." She started to reach for it.

"No, wait." Nox clamped his mouth shut. He stared at her for a moment, indecision flashing in his eyes. Finally, he said, "I'll, uh, finish it."

A triumphant grin spread across Estella's face, and she retracted her hand. "I take it this is your first time going in a fine dining restaurant?"

He nodded slowly while chewing. After swallowing, he said, "I don't have the money for luxuries like this. Good thing I got a scholarship to attend the Academy. Otherwise, I might have enrolled into one of the public academies."

Estella paused mid-bite to stare at him in surprise. "You're a scholar?"

"Yes," Nox said with a nod. "I got in easily because Shadow Wielders are rare."

"I know. The library didn't have all the information I was looking for when I was researching about your element." She smiled. "Well, it doesn't matter now. At least I could see your powers firsthand."

An amiable silence passed between them. Estella gazed at the full eastern side of Sildas spreading beyond the balcony, sipping her wine. After a minute, Nox asked, "You like it here that much?"

She looked at him. "Yes. Aside from the food, I like the view. It reminds me of home. My mother and the king always eat together with me on one of the castle's terraces that overlooks the capital." She paused briefly. "At least when Mom was still alive."

His gaze softened. "Sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

"No, it's fine." She waved him off. The pain was still there, but Estella had learned to live with it. Changing the subject, she said, "So, where do you want to go next?"

Nox raised an eyebrow. "You're the one who invited me. I assume you already have a plan in mind."

She did. She had thought about it since yesterday. They had the whole day to themselves, and she would spend it fully with him.

With another smile, she said, "Actually, I have an idea."


It took them almost half an hour searching for it. Sildas wasn't by any means a huge city, but the main thoroughfares were clogged with foot and wheeled traffic that it was task just moving along the streets.

Still, it didn't bother Estella. Talking with Nox as they walked was enjoyable, and she was glad for every second of it. And throughout all of it, he was often smiling. That sight alone was worth the delay.

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